Chapter 18

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Soft rays of morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a soft light onto the small bedroom where Lyra and Jaskier lay entwined from their newfound parenthood. The day had passed since the birth of Geralt and Radovid, and the air was filled with a tender atmosphere of family love.

Lyra, despite the exhaustion that came with caring for two newborns, found comfort in the warmth of Jaskier 's presence at her side. The rhythmic breathing of the couple reflected a semblance of calm after a stormy sleepless night.

However, this moment of calm was suddenly disturbed by the alarming cries of newborns. Geralt and Radovid, oblivious to their parents' need for rest, demanded attention. The screams intensified, creating a cacophony that shattered the silence of the room.

Jaskier , half asleep, mumbled something incoherent, his sleep-addled brain struggling to comprehend the urgency of the situation. Lyra, on the other hand, moved with the trained alertness of a new mother, her instincts immediately attuned to the needs of her babies.

"Lyra," Jaskier's voice broke through the haze of sleep, a feeble attempt to wake up his exhausted mother.

"Mmm, what?" Lyra muttered, her eyes still closed, as if she wanted to fall back into the arms of sleep.

"Guys," Jaskier muttered, a hint of urgency seeping into his voice. "I think they are hungry"

Lyra reluctantly opened her eyes to find herself face to face with a tangled crow's nest of hair that reflected her own morning confusion. She sighed wearily, realizing that the demands of motherhood did not fall under the concept of a good night's sleep.

With a slow and deliberate movement, Lyra turned her gaze to the crib where Geralt and Radovid lay, tiny hands stretched out into the air, still unfamiliar with the world they had entered just a day ago.

"I swear they have a sixth sense when we're especially tired," Jaskier noted with a wry smile, his gaze lingering on the crib.

Lyra, despite the weariness that showed on her face, couldn't help but laugh at Jaskier 's observation.

"Children don't understand sleep schedules," she replied, her voice a mixture of resignation and affection.

Jaskier , with disheveled hair and bleary eyes, followed Lyra to the cribs, where the hungry cries of Geralt and Radovid were intensifying.

Lyra, still in a daze from sleep deprivation, held one of the babies in her arms.

While Geralt and Radovid were breastfeeding, Lyra's gaze met Jaskier 's. There was a tacit understanding between them, a shared acceptance of the challenges they faced and the joys that awaited them along this journey of parenthood.

Jaskier , unable to contain his admiration, grinned like a boy caught off guard. Lyra, feeling the heaviness of both fatigue and love, threw an indignant look at him.

"Stop staring," she teased, her tone dripping with weariness.

"How can I not do this?" Jaskier answered in a whisper. "It is beautiful"

Lyra rolled her eyes, a smile involuntarily touching the corners of her lips. "Beautiful, huh? Remind me of this at three in the morning when they are both crying"

Geralt and Radovid, having had their fill and now sleeping peacefully in their cribs, created an instant respite for their parents.

Lyra, straightening her disheveled dress with a tired but pleased expression on her face, turned her attention to Jaskier . He lay stretched out on the bed, clutching a pillow to his chest, and his eyes sparkled mischievously.

The witcher: Fate (Jaskier x OC)Where stories live. Discover now