Chapter 22

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As the evening shadows stretched across the forest, Jaskier and Lyra sat with Geralt in a dimly lit hut. Geralt, weakened by his wounds, extended his hand to Jaskier , signaling his desire to rise. However, before communication could be established, Milva entered the hut with a gloomy expression on her face.

— He broke his back. And look at his leg," Milva noted, her assessment was met with a dissatisfied grumble from Geralt. Feeling the severity of her injuries, Milva continued: "As I said, you won't be able to leave until you recover. And you won't get better if you don't let us help you. You need more healing water and a lot of rest. Do you want to eat?

Geralt replied: "I would eat a cow"

Milva answered with a touch of mocking humor: "Oh, so are you hungry?"

Sensing the tension in the atmosphere, Jaskier intervened in an attempt to defuse the situation: "You have a very strange atmosphere here"

There was an air of tension in the hut, bathed in the dim light of a flickering fire as the local healer diligently tended to Geralt's wounds.

"I don't want to tell them how to do their job, but are we sure that these healers..." Jaskier began, his voice trailing off as the healer muttered in an ancient language. Geralt winced as the healer tried to clean his wounds, his pain obvious.

Growling, Geralt said: "Get ready. We're leaving in the morning"

Jaskier replied: "Good, yes. May I suggest first waiting until the pus from your leg stops visibly oozing? You are in no condition to walk through the forest, let alone cross the continent!"

Milva asked in a practical tone: "Can you even hold that damn sword?" "Geralt's groans indicated the difficulties he faced. Milva turned to Jaskier and asked, "Are you going to stop him?"

Jaskier's response was a mixture of disappointment and understanding:

"I've been telling him for months that he needs to think about himself, and not just about Ciri." Protecting her, protecting his family, that's who he is. I'll have to kill him. to stop him. And even in this pathetic state, I'm pretty sure he could break me like a toothpick, so no. I'm not going to stop him. If he needs my help, he has it.

Milva, frustrated by the seemingly irrational determination of both men, exclaimed: "So you're both fucking crazy!"

When Geralt tried to move, Milva intervened, sharply kicking the wooden stick he was using as a support. She objected to him: "Do you really think you're ready to go looking for your daughter? Because you would already be dead."

A clash of wills reverberated throughout the enclosed space, each character defending their position in the face of impending challenges.

While Geralt prepared for his training, the hut served as both a sanctuary for his recovery and a place to care for his children. Lyra noticed the babies were hungry. Milva, who was standing nearby, suggested an idea: "You can feed them in the same hut where Geralt lies," Milva suggested, recognizing the convenience of combining their activities.

Lyra, appreciating the offer, carefully took the cradle with the children, preparing to step aside for a moment.

However, before she could leave, Jaskier injected a playful comment into the scene. "I'd like to see... a beautiful view of babies breastfeeding," he stated with a mischievous grin, trying to add a touch of humor to the situation.

Lyra rolled her eyes and remarked sarcastically: "Instead, it's better to take care of Geralt..."

Milva watched Lyra and Jaskier 's banter with a healthy dose of skepticism, glancing from one to the other. Not knowing what to make of this conversation, she turned to Geralt, seeking understanding or perhaps an explanation.

The witcher: Fate (Jaskier x OC)Where stories live. Discover now