Chapter 8

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Inside the prison cell, Jaskier and Lyra sat huddled together on the cold stone floor. Their new companions, a few curious rats, scurried around, their beady eyes watching the two humans with wary interest. This was in stark contrast to their previous ordeal, as at least they were now spared the physical torment, but their food was far from appetizing.

Lyra turned to Jaskier with a wry smile and asked in a playful, teasing tone: " You know, Jask, it seems like every time I'm with you, we end up in all sorts of different adventures. Do you have a secret? a card for trouble or something like that?"

Jaskier chuckled quietly, a glimmer of amusement in his tired eyes amid these dire circumstances. " Maybe, yes," he answered with a hint of mischief. " Or maybe trouble just likes to haunt interesting people like us."

The rats, apparently having heard the human conversation, ran closer, their tiny ears perked up as if they were trying to overhear a joke between Lyra and Jaskier .

Their faces were brought together, their eyes met, and the space between them was filled with palpable tension. Lyra, feeling a rush of emotion, gently placed her hand on Jaskier 's cheek, her fingers tracing the rough contours of his face.

With a soft, heartfelt smile, she whispered: " Jaskier , even in this terrible place, I need you to know something." " Her voice was barely audible, full of melancholy. "I love you"

Excited by her words, Jaskier 's eyes sparkled. He reached out his hand, his fingers gently stroking her cheek in response. " Lyra," he answered in a voice full of emotion, " I also love you more than anything in the world."

Their faces came closer, their lips met in a tender, passionate kiss. In a dimly lit and squalid prison cell, Lyra and Jaskier 's stolen moment of affection was suddenly shattered by the crash of a metal plate hitting the stone floor. The contents of one meager meal should have been divided between them, but at that moment it was an unwelcome intrusion.

As they separated, their faces flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and disappointment, they met the cold, disdainful gaze of the guard standing outside their cell. He exuded contempt and glared at them, his intentions were clear

" Looks like you two can't keep your hands off each other," the guard chuckled, his voice full of mockery. " Well, if you're that impatient, maybe you should just have sex right here."

In the dimly lit and squalid prison cell, the guard's mocking remark lingered in the heavy air. Jaskier , not one to shy away from confrontation, responded in a mocking tone, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

" Oh, what a brilliant idea! Maybe next time we'll put on a show for you. Let's give you some entertainment since it seems like you're missing out on something"

The guard's face contorted further in disgust, his anger simmering just beneath the surface.

Lyra, frustrated by both the guard's lewd comments and Jaskier 's provocative response, couldn't help but mutter under her breath, her words a dark and ominous warning:

" Jaskier , one day they might just cut out your dirty mouth."

Lyra's gaze fell on the meager food that had been unceremoniously tossed onto the floor of their prison cell. Her face contorted with contempt as she examined the unappetizing contents of the plate. It was a pitiful portion of tasteless, barely edible food, designed to feed two people.

With a mixture of disappointment and disgust, she muttered to herself: "This is hardly suitable for food"

There was disgust in her voice as she contemplated the tasteless food in front of her.

The witcher: Fate (Jaskier x OC)Where stories live. Discover now