Chapter 11

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Lyra was lost in the depths of sleep, the world around her dissolved in dreams and the gentle movements of her unborn child. The room was silent, except for the quiet snoring of Jaskier , who lay next to her, lost in his dreams.

But then an unfamiliar sensation pulled Lyra out of her sleep. Her eyes flew open and she found herself in a dimly lit room, instinctively reaching for the gentle curve of her pregnant belly. The soothing movement from within eased her momentary disorientation and she sighed softly, feeling an immediate connection with her unborn child.

However, her moment of peace was quickly interrupted by the creaking of the bedroom door. In the soft, dim light of the room, Lyra's gaze fell on Geralt of Rivia, her adoptive father, who entered with the stealthy grace of a seasoned warrior.

Geralt's piercing yellow eyes, accustomed to the darkness, quickly looked around the room and settled on Jaskier , who was lying next to Lyra in a rather undignified state of undress. His lips curled into a displeased grimace at the sight, and he couldn't help but shoot the bard an annoyed look.

Lyra, already fully awake and confused by Geralt's presence at this hour, could not suppress her curiosity. " Geralt," she whispered in a sleepy voice, " what are you doing here?"

Geralt, with the same stern expression on his face, answered in a muffled voice: " Wake up Jaskier . We need to talk"

Lyra gently woke Jaskier , and the bard woke up from his sleep with a yawn and drowsy blinks.

Jaskier 's sudden awakening was accompanied by a startled exclamation and a rather undignified act as he hurriedly clutched the sheets to cover his bare chest. His disheveled hair framed his confused face as he squinted at Geralt, who stood with an expression that conveyed nothing of his innermost thoughts.

The bard's initial surprise quickly gave way to feigned indignation. "What the heck?!" he exclaimed

Lyra suppressed a giggle, amused by Jaskier 's antics even at this unexpected moment. But Geralt's presence and serious demeanor reminded them that something serious had happened.

Without further ado, Geralt addressed them in a hushed but insistent tone. " Get dressed," he ordered, and his voice brooked no objections. "I will wait for you in the hall. Something happened - several witchers were killed in their sleep"

The gravity of the situation hung in the air, dispelling any trace of humor. Both Lyra and Jaskier hurriedly began to dress, realizing that the night was fraught with unexpected dangers and they had no free time. As they hastily prepared to join Geralt in the hall, a sense of foreboding filled them as they knew that their peaceful night had been shattered by a grim reality.

Lyra walked down the stairs with Jaskier , her loose dress hugging her round belly comfortably. Curiosity gripped her, making her see the grim implications of the night's events, but the men around her had other thoughts. Concern for her well-being prompted them to shield her from the terrible sight that awaited below.

In a dimly lit corridor they met the gloomy company of Yennefer, Geralt, Vesemir and Ciri. The gravity of the situation was palpable and the tension hung heavy in the air. Lyra exchanged worried glances with her family, silently acknowledging the dangerous situation they now found themselves in.

Geralt's usually stoic expression bore traces of worry and determination as he addressed them. " Lyra, it's better if you don't see what's down there." Stay close and let us handle this ourselves.

Lyra nodded, her hand instinctively going to her pregnant belly and leaning on Jaskier for support.

Vesemir, an experienced witcher and leader of Kaer Morhen, knew how serious the situation was. He took time to prepare by drinking an elixir that enhanced his senses and hunting abilities. His movements were quick and refined, a testament to his years of experience. He looked at Lambert and Cohen, giving instructions in a firm tone.

The witcher: Fate (Jaskier x OC)Where stories live. Discover now