Chapter 20

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As the soft morning light softly filled the room, Jaskier woke up with a contented smile on his face. The room was silent, and the aftermath of a passionate night hung in the air. It's been six long months since Lyra's pregnancy, and the couple spent a night of intimacy, finding a quiet moment amid the joys and challenges of parenthood.

Lyra, fast asleep next to him, was a comic sight. Her head slid off the pillow, and her arms were stretched out in different directions. In the midst of the chaos, the blanket also slipped off. With a gentle and loving touch, Jaskier , slightly embarrassed, adjusted the blanket around Lyra, making sure she was covered and comfortable.

As Jaskier gently adjusted the blanket around Lyra, she stirred, her eyes opening at the gentle touch. The room was still filled with soft morning light, and the remnants of the intimate night were still in the air.

Lyra met Jaskier 's gaze with a drowsy but satisfied smile. He, pleased with the general closeness, leaned in for a sweet and long kiss. In that quiet moment, their connection deepened, with a shared understanding of the joy and intimacy they found in each other.

Lyra whispered in a soft and loving voice: " Good morning"

Jaskier replied: "Good morning, my love"

Lyra, feeling the warmth of the morning sun, playfully straddled Jaskier , her laughter mixing with his own.

Jaskier ran his hand along the curve of Lyra's back with a laugh, enjoying the shared joy and closeness.

However, another sound pierced the air. From the crib in the corner of the room came the unmistakable cries of their babies.

Lyra, still smiling, pulled away from Jaskier 's arms and sighed. "Business duties," she said with a loving smile, heading towards the crib.

Jaskier let out a frustrated breath, his eyes a mixture of reluctance and understanding.

"Our kids have their own way of reminding us, don't they?" — he remarked, and a gentle smile touched his lips.

As Lyra approached the crib, the cries intensified and she carefully picked up one of the babies.

"Looks like they're hungry," she said, looking back at Jaskier .

He nodded, his disappointment giving way to a quiet understanding of the responsibility that accompanied their shared joy. Lyra sat down to feed the children.

As Jaskier lounged on the bed, his fingers skillfully danced along the strings of the lute. A gentle melody filled the room, permeating the air like a musical caress. Lyra, who was sitting comfortably with Geralt and Radovid Jr. in her arms while they were breastfeeding, looked at Jaskier in surprise.

Lyra grinned: "You can't resist playing that lute, can you? Even during breakfast"

Jaskier grinned mischievously, his eyes sparkling with playful delight. "Ah, but the morning deserves its own soundtrack, my love. Besides, kids seem to love it, don't they?" He said, nodding towards the babies, who seemed to be listening intently, their tiny eyes wide open

Lyra rolled her eyes playfully.

— You and your eternal need for a musical background. They're just babies, Jask.

Jaskier continued to play, the music becoming soft and soothing. "Well, I believe in starting your day with a little culture," he teased.

Lyra chuckled again, shaking her head. "Okay, great. But while you're serenading our sons, you might want to think about getting dressed. We have a busy day ahead"

Jaskier 's fingers continued to dance along the strings of the lute, the melody now becoming a carefree melody. He looked at Lyra with a playful glint in his eyes.

The witcher: Fate (Jaskier x OC)Where stories live. Discover now