Chapter 4

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The next day arrived in Kaer Morhen. In the training yard, Ciri trained vigorously with Geralt, their swords clashing with a training dummy. The sounds of their training echoed throughout the castle.

Lyra, however, did not participate in the training. She was sitting by the window in her room with a needle in her hand and a piece of cloth in front of her. She was diligently sewing another suit, trying to keep herself busy and not let her thoughts wander. Her gaze slid towards the training yard, where she watched Ciri's fast and graceful movements.

" He's showing off," she thought to herself with a tinge of cynicism, although she knew that her place was not in the training yard.

As she continued to work, the door to her room creaked and Lambert entered. He approached her with a warm smile and concern in his eyes.

"How are you holding up, Lyra?" he asked in a gentle voice.

Lyra was silent, as if completely absorbed in the intricate embroidery before her. Lambert understood her need for space.

After a moment, Lambert turned his attention to more practical problems.

" You know, it's already breakfast," he said in a light but gently reproachful tone. " You skipped dinner yesterday and you still look pretty thin."

Unable to resist the opportunity to playfully retort, Lyra finally spoke, her voice laced with humor. She glanced at Lambert, whose massive beard was hard to ignore.

" Well," she joked with a mischievous glint in her eyes, " it's just that someone here has a very wide beard."

Lambert couldn't help but laugh at her remark, and the tension in the room eased for a moment.

Lyra and Lambert left her room to have breakfast in the company of Cohen, one of the witchers. The trio developed a habit of good-natured teasing and banter that became a regular part of their meals.

Once seated at the table, Lambert and Cohen immediately began their usual antics, exchanging playful barbs and jokes. It was a familiar dynamic that Lyra had gotten used to over the years. However, as usual, she could not resist teasing

Lyra chimed in with a playful smile. "So, are you dating now?"

She directed the question at Lambert and Cohen, who often seemed inseparable.

Lambert, rolling his eyes at Lyra's joke, replied in a mock serious tone: " It's too early for you to think about it, Lyra."

Lyra simply shrugged, her tone light and carefree. " Well, I welcome freedom and love," she joked with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

Meanwhile, Lambert continued his usual routine of making jokes, much to Cohen's amusement. He asked Cohen a question - a classic joke among witchers.

Lambert decided to entertain the company with a classic witcher joke. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he turned to Koen, his fellow witcher, and asked the age-old question. "Cohen! What's the difference between a witcher and a pile of crap?"

Cohen didn't hesitate to play along. He raised an eyebrow in anticipation and answered with a sense of curiosity: " Come on"

In perfect comedic timing, Lambert delivered the punch line with a smile on his face.

" Eventually this shit will stop stinking."

Cohen, while amused by the exchange, couldn't help but point out the tired joke. He remarked with a hint of surprise: " This joke is as old as the Union"

Unstoppable, Lambert responded with a teasing grin and a hint of playful defiance. "Well, then tell me one thing: you are a comedy idiot"

As the fun breakfast chat between Lambert, Cohen, and now Ciri continued, Cohen decided to add a joke of his own to the playful conversation: "What do you call a witcher without brains?"

The witcher: Fate (Jaskier x OC)Where stories live. Discover now