Chapter 9

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A month had passed since he had traveled them to this remote fortress, and they had all settled into a semblance of routine.

However, Lyra felt a sudden wave of nausea. Her face turned pale, and without warning she hurriedly rushed to the nearest bush, vomiting there.

Ciri, who was sitting nearby, frowned with dissatisfaction at the sudden interruption of the meal. She could not hide her irritation at the not very appetizing sight and sound.

Yennefer and Geralt exchanged worried glances. Jaskier tried to lighten the mood by saying: " Well, that's one way to make room, Lyra."

Lyra, still recovering and looking a little embarrassed, smiled faintly. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and replied: "Sorry. I guess my stomach had other plans"

Yennefer, her tone softening with concern, said: "Everything is fine dear. Perhaps you're just not feeling well"

As the group continued to eat breakfast, Lyra sat on a log, trying to regain her composure. She couldn't help but wonder if there was more to her sudden illness than just a stomach ache.

The journey was slow and difficult, through the changing seasons. Two months of autumn passed, and Lyra's health steadily deteriorated. Nausea and weakness became her constant companions, clouding their progress.

As they walked along the winding paths, Geralt noticed Lyra's condition deteriorating. A look of concern crossed his face and he decided it was time to put an end to their relentless march.

" That's enough," he said firmly, his voice cutting through the autumn air." We'll stop here"

Lyra was stunned by her father's sudden statement. She was used to working through discomfort, not wanting to be a burden to the group. Geralt's decision to put his well-being first surprised her.

Jaskier remained close by, concern evident in his eyes. Ciri watched with a mixture of concern and interest, feeling a growing connection with Lyra during their journey.

The group stopped near a large tree to take a moment to rest from their journey. Geralt and Yennefer exchanged worried glances as they watched Lyra's deteriorating condition. Her constant nausea and weakness were worrying, and they couldn't help but worry.

Meanwhile, Ciri had her own thoughts about the reason for Lyra's poor health. She quietly approached Jaskier , leading him away from the others for a private conversation. Her direct question took him by surprise.

" When was the last time you and Lyra were... you know?" - asked Ciri with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Jaskier gasped at Ciri's directness, his face turning several shades red. He did not expect such a frank question, especially from Ciri.

In a muffled voice he muttered: " W-how do you... I mean, how do you know?"

Ciri grinned knowingly, her youthful but piercing eyes highlighting her observations. " I noticed that Lyra often left first, and then you followed her," she explained. " And, well, Geralt can sometimes not notice anything."

Jaskier 's eyes widened in realization and he couldn't help but feel fear wash over him. " Are you saying... you think Lyra might be...?"

Ciri nodded, her smile widening. "It's possible, isn't it?"

Jaskier 's worry grew as he considered the consequences. The thought of Lyra's pregnancy was a major concern and added another layer of complexity to their already tumultuous journey.

Ciri and Jaskier returned to the group, joining the others who were waiting patiently. Jaskier exchanged another meaningful glance with Ciri, their silent exchange carrying the weight of their previous conversation.

The witcher: Fate (Jaskier x OC)Where stories live. Discover now