Chapter 10

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The winter wind blew cold as the group headed towards Kaer Morhan, the path ahead covered in a blanket of freshly fallen snow. Lyra, who had a once slender figure now adorned with the unmistakable roundness of pregnancy, was four months old. The journey was not easy, but it led to changes in her adopted family that she did not expect.

Jaskier , despite his initial fear and uncertainty about the responsibilities of fatherhood, surprised everyone with his unwavering care and support for Lyra.

Yennefer and Geralt, having realized their past mistakes in handling Lyra, were now determined to make amends. They took on the role of caretakers, ensuring Lyra's well-being and doing everything they could to show her that they truly cared about her. Their actions spoke louder than words as they tended to her needs and tried to ease the burden of her pregnancy.

Even Ciri, who was once distant and aloof, began to change her behavior. She gave up her arrogance and began to treat Lyra with kindness and consideration. The transformation was amazing, and Lyra was deeply touched by the newfound warmth in her family.

Lyra couldn't help but be shocked by such significant changes in her adopted family. It was as if the trials of their journey had strengthened their bonds and opened their eyes to the importance of unity and forgiveness. Lyra, despite the pain and loneliness she had felt in the past, found herself ready to forgive them all. She understood that they, like her, were imperfect and were trying their best to make amends. The winter journey to Kaer Morhan was not only a physical journey for them, but also a journey of healing and transformation.

The group of horsemen finally approached Kaer Morhan, an imposing fortress that was once the home of the witchers. Lyra's eyes lit up with a mixture of excitement and nostalgia as she saw the familiar sight.

Without hesitation, she dismounted her horse and walked a few steps closer to the fortress, her smile growing wider with each step. Memories of my time here came flooding back, both good and bad. It was a place that held a significant part of her past, a past that was now being reconciled with her present.

Geralt followed her example and also got off his horse. He approached Lyra with a sense of determination in his eyes. He knew that he had wronged her in the past, and now, as they stood in front of the fortress that had once been their shared home, he was ready to make amends.

With a sincerity that touched Lyra's heart, Geralt began to speak.

" Lyra," he said, his voice full of regret, " I want to apologize for driving you away, for making you feel like an outsider." I should have been there for you and I'm sorry I let you down.

Lyra listened to his words, her eyes watering with mixed emotions. She longed for this moment, for her father to admit his mistakes and show a willingness to change. It was as if a weight had been lifted from her heart, and she knew what she needed to do.

Without saying a word, she stepped forward and hugged Geralt, pulling him into a heartfelt embrace.

Yennefer, Jaskier and Ciri stood nearby, watching the touching embrace of Geralt and Lyra. The atmosphere was filled with a mixture of emotions, and each of them had their own opinion on the matter.

Jaskier couldn't resist commenting. With a slight grin he joked: " Well, Geralt, it seems that you are a proud father of two daughters. Сiri and Lyra"

Geralt, however, did not respond with a smile or a witty answer. Instead, he glared at Jaskier with a stern, warning gaze. The tension between them was palpable as a result of Jaskier being the father of Lyra's child, a fact that strained their relationship.

Yennefer, standing next to Jaskier , gave him a disapproving look, silently urging him to tread carefully. She knew Geralt was still trying to come to terms with the situation, and Jaskier 's comment struck a nerve.

The witcher: Fate (Jaskier x OC)Where stories live. Discover now