The Beginning

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wasgood I'm jasmine, I'm officially a college student who goes to Florida state university. I lived in Florida my whole life. I got all my friends going to FSU with me also so its bouts be lit.
I tired of fucking these confused little hoes. I just wanna settle down with the right one.

First day~~~~~~

I wake up for school, took a shower, put on some cargos, a navy blue shirt and my gamma11s. I got in my all black BMW and drove to school.


Wasgucci so I'm not from Florida at all. I'm a New Yorker all the way. People can tell I'm from New York down here tho without me telling them. I'm from South side Jamaica, queens and its crazy(moment 4 life by Nicki.) (But I really did live there, my family still does too)

First day~~~~~~~~

I woke up, took a shower, and did my hygiene. I put on my navy blue Nike✔ shirt, a pair a ripped jeans, and my gamma 11s; i made sure my teddy bear necklace was on correctly before. Parting my hair into a middle part and kept my hair out. I got my Sprayground Bag and got into my car. I own a black jeep.

As I was following my directions to school. I seen a McDonald's, I thanked god and pulled my fat ass in there I got three hash browns and then left to go to school. I had finally found tge school and I parked next to this nice ass all black BMW in the school parking lot. There was a girl sitting on the car talking to a group of people ....I'm guessing her friends. I'm never really been the social type anyways. I got my connected my beats to my iPhone 6 and started listening to Energy by Drake. When I walked by I felt eyes burning a hole in my back and in mentally im thinking
Like damn stare any harder you gonna see my insides too.

Jasmine POV

As I was talking to my friends, Heather, India, China,Nathaniel, Chris, and Tyga we Heard a car blasting music. We all stared at the black jeep that parked nexted to us. This girl stepped out the car and she's so fine. I looked her up and down, taking in everything. She was wearing a navy blue Nike shirt, ripped jeans that showed all of that skin, and gamma 11s. She had curly hair that reached the middle of her back. She had to be like 5'4-5'5. She looked black, Spanish, and Asian.. I was interrupted by India's remark "look yall damn near matching... Y'all see it!!"
Everyone laughed But i continued to watch her as she walked towards the school.

I looked at the time on my phone realized i had to go get to class before 8:59. As i walked passed the office, she was coming out.

I seen a my bros sitting near each other when I got into class. I scanned the room and I peeped she was in my class and this boy Jermaine aka J was tryna talk to her, but she wasn't interested. The seat next to her wasn't taken so I sat next to her. I laughed at J as I watched.

Jcole- so sexy girl what's your name?
The girl- kikyo.
Jcole- stop playing with a nigga and let's hook up.. I know you want me.
Kikyo- * singing g.o.m.d.* Get of my dick, get the fuck off my dick, nigga.

I started laughing.
Jcole- fine then bitch I ain't want you anyways.
Kikyo* takes off her beats and says in a calmest tone* why are you calling me a bitch for? Ya mama ain't teach you to not call a woman out of he name?
Jcole- yeah she did but I don't need to call you out your name, I'll call by what you are.
Kikyo- *still calm voice* sooo imma bitch cuz I ain't feed into that shit you was saying... I'm sorry that you show to many fuckboy Symptoms.

I started laughing this girl is fine and funny.

He got mad and sat in his seat in front of us. He looked back at kikyo and she stuck the middle finger up at him.
Anyways the teacher came in and he said" hello class my name is Mr.Vega, this week will be all about introduction and getting to know each other okay?"
"Okay??" He said again.
Kikyo couldn't talk cuz she was drinking Arizona so she put her hand up and did this👌." Class you may go around talk and get to no each other." Mr.Vega turned off the lights, put the fans on, opened the shades so the sunlight can come in.

We were close to the windows so the sunlight was on us and So I looked at her and smirked, and she looked at me and smiled. Her eyes are beautiful in the sunlight its like this nice one shade lighter than moca brown

I started to speak

Me- hi I'm Jasmine and I'm gonna take a random guess that your name is kikyo
Kikyo- * smiling* yup that's my name.. You look so fimilar tho.
Me- probably from lnstagram im blasinjas. I can tell you a New Yorker. And what are you?
Kikyo- ohhhh that's where. I follow you. Yes I am from New York how you peep I was a New Yorker? I'm African American, Panamian, and Asian.
Me- I can tell by the way you talk, cuz that's what Nathaniel sound like. you sound like the female version of him, he from the Bronx.

Kikyo POV

I'm cool with this girl named Jasmine, she mad tall. Tbh I think she's gay but I don't think so at the same time and I'm not asking.

Anyways I met her friends Nathaniel, Chris, Tyga, India, Heather, and Angela, but they call her Black Chyna.

Anyways we in first period class and we all talking now.

Heather- to jass) you aint gonna introduce us to her.
Jass- nah I'm good* laughing*
Jass- kikyo this is Heather, India, Angela, Nathaniel, Chris, and Tyga.
Me- *waves* hey
Nathaniel- * winked* damn she fine as fuck. I wanna cuff that
Jass- * glares at him * smacks him up the head*
* everyone laughs*
India- aren't you KikyoThaGod😈 on IG
Me- yes I am.
Jass- dammmmnn you look beautiful on ig, but in person you look ____ fuckin Sexy.
Me- *puts head down cuz I feel my cheeks getting hot*thanks

Jass and I are sitting next to each taking pictures , then I took some with the whole squad. As me and jass are joking around I see Heather,India,Black chyna with there phones mad close to the face.

Me- watcha yall doin
Them-* puts phone down quickly* nothing
Me- suuurree whatever you say.

After school~~~~
I was about to get in my car when jasmine stopped me and asked for my number I put it in her phone and gave it back to her. I put my name in her phone as BabyMommaKikyo

She walked away and she started laughing once she looked at her phone.

Later that day I was scrolling on IG when I see Heather, India, and Chyna posted on IG off guard pics of me and Jasmine and captioned it " would they be a fire couple or nah..and don't lie"
Mad people put yes. I was like😳 and then I peeped Jasmine commented yes. I was like😳
I get a text from Jasmine but it was a group chat with squad.

Jasmine sent a screenshot of my contact name into the chat.
Jasmine- Kikyo out he self down as my babymomma.. I'm gotta babymoms now y'all!!😂😁

me- yup I did better not have another babymoms👊

BTW I'm a virgin, only went out with guys who ended up breaking my heart, never been with a girl, but I'm down to try new things tho. So from the looks of it Jasmine is a stud lesbian... This should be very very very interesting.

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