The Crying Game

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so today is the all white affair. Its Saturday May 18th. Ughhh the day my Nana passed away. This gonna be a long ass day.

I got up cooked myself some breakfast even tho it was 12:47pm.

Today was the white affair. So I already knew what I was gonna wear.

The all white affair didn't start til 7. I went to the mall brought me a white Michael Khors bag, and another gold Mk watch. With the inside of the clock part hot pink like yasss.

Lol, by the time I finished, it was 3:09pm. So I went to the nail salon and got white nails, the ones like claws. Yass and my toe nails done a hot pink. I got home and I took another shower and brushed my teeth again.

I straighten my hair and did a middle part. Yass.

I put on this form fitting, turtle neck, sleeveless ,white dress that came all the way down to the floor with a slit at the side to show my leg. I put on my white high heels, my new Mk watch. I packed my Mk bag and left.

When I got there I took a seat at the table I was assigned. I saw my 'squad' come in and jass and Jessica holding hands.

I seem Ms. Tulip and found out she sits right next to me.
"I heard what happened with Jessica and shit"
"Honestly it whatever."

I tried to hold back my tears but I wouldn't work. I busted out crying and Ms. Tulip took me to the bathroom. I felt them staring and heard jessica and India laughing.

I got a tissue to stop myself from crying and fix my makeup.

I walked back out and I seen 'squad' just stare at me with their mouths open.

I walked back to my seat and sat down. They literally sit right across from me Greatttt.

I feel them staring at me and Ms. Tulip and I get up and start dancing to The night is still young. By Nicki minaj. She mad fun to hang out with.

All of a sudden i see jass getting grinded on by jessica. But I had to go pee so I went to the bathroom and saw Heather there.

Heather- hey you look great.
Me- thanks you do too.
Heather- I'm sorry
Me- about?
Heather- jass

I shook my head and went and sat down while Ms.tulip was dancing with Chris. Tyga and Chyna were dancing. Even Nathaniel and Erica were dancing. India went with some nigga, but the whole 'squad was finally together when I wasn't there.

Jasmine POV

Jessica forced me to go with her, she threatened my life and I'm not taking no chances with that shit.

I saw kikyo and she looked beautiful, plus her hair was straight. Ugh I need my baby bear back in my life.

Jessica POV

I had to threaten jass in order for her to go with me.

I just wanted kikyo to think we are going out. And I wanted to get a reaction out of her also. Which wasn't working, she just payed us no attention at all, which was even better.

As jass was looking around I kissed her and she kissed back slowly I asked for entrance and she let me in. My baby is gonna be mine again soon.

After we finished kissing all I see is kikyo with Ms. Tulip dancing and stuff, but I believe she saw us tho. Hahaha I'm ready for jass to be mine again.

Heather Pov

I feel bad for kikyo she just saw jass and Jessica make out and shit. She was dancing and shit, but she just stopped and walked off the dance floor and went outside. She came back in and her face was puffy and red.

She hugged Ms.tulip and left.

As I was on the IG, I get a call from kikyo.

Kikyo- umm excuse me is this Heather, this is officer James. Kikyo was in a really bad car accident and is now in South Beach hospital.
Me- okay I'll be there as soon as I can.

I jumped out my seat so fast the table moved too. Everyone looked at me and I just ran as fast as I could to my car.

When I was driving I got a call from chyna

Her- why you leave
Me- kikyo was in an car accident and is now in South Beach Hospital as we speak, I ain't told no one yet cuz I don't need a big ass scene.
Her- I'm coming rn
Me- ight

As I was driving I got stuck in traffic and took that side lane straight down. I seen a car accident. There was a black Jeep flipped over and a escalade crashed up.

I asked the lady what happened and she said that the black escalade swerved onto the next lane hitting the black jeep really hard causing the jeep to turn diagonal and instead it flipped and rolled a couple of times. I stared to panick like oh my god.
I backed up and took the back streets to the hospital.

When I got there. I waited in the Lobby.

In about 29minutes the rest of them came and unfortunately jessica and india were hear and I was not ready for the bullshit at all.

I told them what the lady told me and jass started crying and j saw it on Jessica face she was about to say something slick but I stopped her before everyone kills gercand india.

"Don't even say it before you die in this hospital tonight."
"Its not my fault she gonna die in the hospital, that's karma for her as-"

Jass picked her up and started choking her out frfr. India tried to jump on but CHYNA and I grabbed her and lead her outside so we can beat that ass in peace.

Ohh we bodied that bitch and no blood on us. we left her on the side walk and walked back in. I see jass being pushed back by a bunch of nurses and she let's go of jessica and she slides down the wall coughing trying to get air.

Nathaniel POV

I've never seem Heather  chyna, NOR jass in this kind of state.

Its gonna get hecked later on.

Later that night Erica fell alsleep on me and Chris and Tyga are asleep too. Everyone asleep, but I started to doze off.

Early in the morning the doctor asked" kikyo family?"

Jass woke up out of her sleep and jumped up "here sir."

"She had glass stuck in hee belly, upper thigh, and side. Umm
Out of the blood I don't know how she made it out imalive honestly."

"Wow" jass said

"Exactly way I said, there's something about her that make me get the feeling she super human as they call them" the doctor said.

"She's asleep and she gonna be in hear awhile so you guys can come back tomorrow."

"Okay, lol you mean later on right," " no not really I mean tomorrow, Monday" Dr.dre said

Chyna POV

I'm scared AF, cuz like that is a squad member and she a cool ass person. I got home and went to sleep.

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