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Chenelle POV
*Errors Fixed*

Its Friday night and we're getting ready for the funeral. I really couldn't get dressy because of my stomach. So I put on black leggings and those black shirts with the two slits on the side. It wasn't like long slits tho that be showing skin...nah that's disrespectful. Due to the two slits on the side I had felt so much more comfortable than a regular shirt. And I threw on my black uggs. I put my hair in a low bun and grabbed my leather jacket to leave. I walked downstairs to see everyone ready. Chris had on some black jeans, black shirt, Oreo 4s. Heather had a black dress with stockings on and her flats. Chyna had on her dress to and a similar outfit also. Kikyo had on some black joggers, a black pocket tee, and her Fuchsia 4s on. Her hair in the same style as me. She has yet to shed a tear or even speak out on the situation. Only thing she does is stare at Chyna. Like does chyna got something to do with it orrrrrrr???? Ima speak to her about it later tho.

Heather POV

As we sat down more and more kids that I've never seen before came in crying, straight faced, or sorrowful looks. Most of them came up to Ms.Catherine giving her hugs and everything. I was crying my ass off, so kikyo took my spot to speak about him. She got up and began to speak, "Good Evening everyone, I'm Kikyo, one of Nathaniel's best friends. I was always there for him and vice versa. I been through hell and back with him and the rest of my group of friends. I seen it with my own eyes the way he died. I don't know who did it, but when I do, all hell is going to beak loose. I-I-I-I *crying*.

I stopped crying and was shocked when I heard and seen kikyo crying. I heard a couple of gasp from the squad and Chenelle walked her down to her seat. Chyna said something under her breath and kikyo gave her the meanest look of all time. Chyna of course had to say something, kikyo got up and said the notorious, "you think I don't know what you've been doing. I figured it out the minute he died."

I looked at Chyna then kikyo, kikyo just said the unthinkable, "You've been fucking Nathaniel behind heather's back!"

Chyna got up ready to fight but I this point I wasn't crying because of his death but because I was heart broken. Jass grabbed Chyna and Chris grabbed kikyo.
Chyna-how'd you find out?
Kikyo- the minute you started crying, you said, "my baby is gone, why leave me when you know I loved you. You looked around to see if anyone heard you but you wasn't that low."

Chyna was escorted out by Madison and jass. Kikyo came up to me and pulled me into the bathroom.
"Babygirl listen to me, you not crying over his death anymore, but due to the pain in your heart. I just wanted you to know that no matter what you go through I got your back. You crying over him now, but its gonna make you a better person later in life. You gonna find someone in life who is going to treat you like the princess you are. So go get yourself cleaned up and then ima redo your makeup. After this we can go shopping if you want."

Kikyo POV

Never seen her smile so quickly in my life. Heather is my ride or die and I'll be damned if I let her slip through into a depression over a fuvkboy. He was like a brother to me but he was still a Lil hoe so I mean what can I really say. I'm still going to find out who did this to him, but until then I gotta take baby steps and get his family and friends back to normal. That's the only thing he told me to do if he passes and ima commit to my promise I made to him.


Once Nathaniel was buried, we made a circle and said a prayer for him and started to make our way home.
We went back to Ms.Christine house and I asked them, "Would you guys like to move to Florida with us?"
"Of course, there's no reason to stay in NY anymore. Its just bad memories."
"Well Ms.Christine, there are a few altercations going on at the moment, but when things Die down, I will gladly fly you guys out here with us. You don't have to worry about every being broke again for the simple fact that we never let family slip through the cracks of society."

She began to cry tears of joy and gave me a hug on and a kiss on The cheek.

M.C- can I keep my job, because I love to work.

Of course you can. You guys can either move into Nathaniel house that's already paid off or a new one.

We'll just take his.

I will call you and let you know when the situations have died down and when your flights are.

Omg kikyo I can't thank you enough.

Its not problem Ms. Christine.

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