Golden Memories

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Jass POV
*Errors Fixed*

I waited downstairs for her with squad. She came downstairs after about 5 minutes with some black joggers on and my black pajama shirt. Her hair was still wet and she has on her drake socks. Lmaooo. She sat down on the floor (idk why but when she mad, sad or trying to hide something she'll sit on the floor with her head down and pick at the carpet...Real life weirdo tbh.)  She sighed and started to talk, "i-i-i-i tried so h-hard to get away from h-her. I couldn't do anything to s-s-stop it. *starts crying hysterically*Baby I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what? Who the hell is her? And what did she do to you?"
"*crying hysterically* Nicole. She raped me. And I'm sorry I couldn't stop her."

Heather POV

I jumped up and hugged her, she pushed me away and put her head down. She wiped her face and instantly mumbled a "don't throw a pity party for me... Something telling me its karma for the shit I done in my life time."

I looked at her like she crazy and smacked her in the face, "no matter how much dirt you done did in the past or even yesterday.... Doesn't mean you have to go threw this, no female or make should go through this."

Jass got up and literally picked her up like she was a baby. A couple of minutes later the lights in her house went out. Mater of fact All the power was out. It was dead silent. I was waiting for Kikyo's next move tbh. But she even stopped crying, like you couldn't even hear her breathe. She whispered," lightly walk to the bathroom."
We did and we closed the door, i got a text that said, "if the door opens before gunshots are fired its me."

5 minutes later the door opened. She closed it and opened the window as slowly as she could. She pointed and first of course was mommy and the little one in her tummy. Then chyna, me, Nathaniel, then jass. A couple of minutes later Chris came out and then we heard gun shots go off in the house. kikyo came flying through the window and rolled back onto Her feet with no hands. "Run 2 blocks straight and turm left." She said

We all ran while Chris and Chanell crossed the street and she took her time while staying low between the cars. After we made the turn we stopped. We caught our breath and went to the store. Kikyo must've been on good terms with the store owner because of the convo they had. He let us take anything we wanted for free and be on our way. We all got the munches. We walked another 5 blocks to the real rich part of mansion type shit. She stopped at the last house on the block and pressed the button. The gate opened and we walked in. A handsome boy and girl was standing outside.

Kikyo- Squad meet Anthony and Milan.
Milan- names to be specific.
Kikiyo-Here's Heather , chyna, Nathan, Chris, and Jass.
Milan- nigga that's Chris Brown.
Kikyo- yeah mommy wanna date him and get pregnant by him.
Milan- you deadass?
Anthony- lookie here Mr. Chris Brown, I dont care if your famous or mess with my aunt you mess with me.
Chris-ight FAM I understand.

Ima guess that's family.

Anthony-sooo you got a machine gun in your hand..what's going on, who want the static?
Kikyo- its the MAD gang yo. They want my head from some reason, they be leaving me notes... They killed my ROD yoo.. They killed Tiffa FAM. In her fucking sleep lit her house on fire. Because I'm an OG Southside Hooligan and they fuck with Jessica sooooo now they definitely want my head.

Jass Pov

Kikyo pulled out her phone and called someone.
"Auntie come to Anthony's house like asap, with everyone"

She got off the phone and she was quiet, deadly quiet which is not good at all. She stood there in the same spot looking at the ground. I was about to walk up yo her when Chenelle pulled back down she whispered to me.  "Let her be....She's collecting herself...when kikyo is going through to much at once and she reaches her breaking point she will either do what she's doing right now or literally shut down."
Grey- what do you mean 'shut down' and what's she doing right now?
Chenelle- shut down as in she will not know what to do, like nothing..she knows she's good with stuff like this, and yes it's possible for a "shut down". Right now though? She lost in her own thoughts.. She collecting herself and by collecting I mean she's actually calming herself down, breaking down her situations, and sorting them out. I do the same but I've learned to do it while in motion... Her she'll just stop and stand there for hours if she needs too. Its like her body is actually on pause.
Grey-thats so cool, but scary.
Me- facts..but I love my baby.

My phone lit up and I looked at it, it was a text from Stephanie... My goodness I forgot to drop her ass...lemme do that before kikyo do.  After about 9 minutes we heard the bell ring and we see her 2 aunts and uncle. He looked straight but he was actual gay. Crazy right. Her aunts were lesbians, but lowkey hated each other.

"Marilyn, did you call Mary and stuff?"
Me- who?
Bae- Mary is my aunts daughter, we like best friends.
Me- ohh okay, she gay too?
Bae- She a stem too.
Me- ohh hell no.

Am I supposed to let her be best friends with a stem... not at all! My baby beautiful so with that being said you may never know if her "bestfriend" ever had a crush, still has a crush or not. Tf I look like... Dumb?

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