chapter 4

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Upon entering the room, Old Quill was greeted by a troubling scene. Bella was on the couch, screaming and clawing, her arm bearing bite marks from both James and Edward. Though the wounds had healed, they had left scars. Determined to help her, Old Quill called for Billy to fetch Klaus Mikaelson, knowing he could extract the venom from Bella's scar. Simultaneously, he tasked Jacob with creating a unique dream catcher as a symbol of protection for Bella. Gathering the necessary materials, Old Quill and Billy enlisted Nik and Jacob to assist them in their mission, with Charlie by their side outside.

Inside, Old Quill directed Jacob to craft the dream catcher, incorporating symbols of an owl and a wolf to represent Bella's connection to these creatures and the full moon. Turning to Nik, he asked him to carefully remove the venom from Bella's arm. Once Nik had completed the task, Old Quill would begin the healing ceremony and administer the necessary medicine.

Nik swiftly extracted the venom, spitting it into a bowl held by Old Quill. Satisfied that all the venom had been removed, Nik wiped Bella's blood from his mouth and stood up. Impressed by Jacob's craftsmanship, Old Quill praised his exceptional work, noting that he had seen many tribes but Jacob's talent was truly remarkable. Klaus also admired the dream catcher, acknowledging Jacob's skill.

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