Untitled Part 5

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Billy informed Quill, who was quite aged, that Jacob would be spending the night. Charlie kindly offered his bedroom and guest room to both Quill and Billy. Since Charlie, Billy, and Quill had been friends for a lifetime, they decided to maintain their bond and be there for Bella if she required any further assistance.
Nik (Klaus) was offered to stay in town in case they would happen to need his assistance again but Charlie told them he can use the tent I use for our hunting trips and pitch it out in the yard?

Charlie, I'd appreciate that very much sir Klaus responded to Charlie and well if anyone needs I'm just outside that way and well I do not require anything more then a sleeping bag and a pillow. I'll grab them from the shed though I can't reach the tent without a step stool I'll be glad to grab it down Klaus said and the two made their way to the shed.

Your accent it's different Charlie stated. I'm from England sir and well you have a very nice home and wonderful view of the forest. Thank you I know it isn't much but bella loved it here growing up she loved being close to nature just she was not a big fan of the cold.

Okay up on top to right is the tent and well the sleeping bag should be somewhere here on the floor ah yup found it he said while holding it up.

You sure you don't want a heater or something gets pretty cold around here at night Charlie asked Klaus. I love camping and like just using a sleeping bag and pillow Charlie I'll be fine.

Suit yourself but if you get cold the heater in just behind the door here and theirs a extension cord wrapped around it plug in is on the outside of the house.

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