chapter 7

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After finishing his coffee, Klaus glanced at the two elders, Old Quill and Billy. He expressed his need to make a phone call to a friend who happened to be the king of the Cold Ones, as they were referred to. Klaus believed that his friend might have a better understanding of Bella's situation, the girl who had found herself in trouble. However, Klaus admitted that they didn't know much about the Cold Ones. Stepping outside, Klaus pulled out his iPhone and dialed Aro Volturi.

Aro greeted him and asked about the reason for his call. Klaus explained that he had found his mate but had a dilemma regarding the effects of the Cold Ones' venom on humans. He warned Aro not to deceive him, as his brother Kol was still seeking revenge. Aro assured Klaus that he had never heard of a human being bitten by their kind and not turning into one of them. As for Bella's other problems, Aro suggested that she might have been enthralled or compelled by one of them.

He offered to consult Caius, who knew more about the venom, and asked if Bella knew who had bitten her. Klaus revealed that it was Edward Cullen and expressed his intention to deal with him. Caius then took the call and informed Klaus that their venom could turn a human if that was the intention, but it could also be used to track or call humans to the one who possessed the venom. Klaus warned them not to interfere, or else his brothers Kol and Elijah would take action.

After ending the call with Ciaus, Klaus made his way back inside the house. As he entered, he noticed Old Quil sitting at the dining room table, accompanied by both Billy and Quil. Curiosity piqued, Klaus took a seat next to them, eager to hear what they had to say. The news wasn't exactly uplifting, as it appeared that the venom of the vampires could manipulate its victims according to their intentions. For instance, if Edward had desired to turn Bella into a vampire, he could have done so simply by intending it or even by calling her to him. This revelation shed light on why he had left traces of his venom in her bite mark. It was a troubling situation, and Klaus admitted that he didn't know enough about Edward Cullen to decipher his true intentions, both in the past and in the present. With uncertainty looming over them, they would have to take each day as it came and navigate this complex situation with caution.

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