chapter 8

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Meanwhile, in the mystical town of Mystic Falls, the Mikaelson siblings - Kol, Rebekah, and Elijah - were hard at work, determined to help their eldest brother Klaus break the curse that their mother had placed upon him. The task at hand seemed daunting, as they needed the moonstone, a Doppler ganger's blood, a full moon, a werewolf, and a vampire for the sacrifice. Kol, returning from his hunt, explained the requirements to his siblings.

Rebekah couldn't help but express her frustration. "How in the world are we supposed to find all of that, Kol?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with exasperation. "And where has Klaus disappeared to? Our dear brother went off in search of his mate, and now we're left here to figure this out on our own."

Confusion filled Rebekah's voice as she questioned her brothers about Klaus having a mate. This news was entirely new to her, leaving her wondering what else they had kept from her. Elijah sighed, pouring himself and his siblings a glass of scotch to ease the tension. He began to explain, recounting a visit he and Klaus had made to a tribe in Arizona. The tribe had shared a legend about a hybrid finding his mate only during her time of suffering. Klaus had been searching through various tribes and had stumbled upon one in Washington near a place called Forks, known as the Quileute tribe. He hoped they could shed some light on this legend.

Rebekah, feeling frustrated and left out, threw her glass into the fireplace. "So, our dear brother is off on a wild goose chase, leaving us with little information," she stated, her voice filled with annoyance. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight, my brothers." And just like that, she disappeared from the room.

Kol turned to Elijah, his voice filled with uncertainty. "Do you think there's any truth to this legend, Elijah?" he asked. Elijah paused for a moment, contemplating the possibilities. "I don't know, Kol," he replied honestly. "But if it is true, we will stand by Klaus and support him in finding his mate."
Rebekah had just settled into bed when her phone suddenly started ringing. Annoyed, she glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was Klaus calling. She wondered why he would be calling so late at night. With a sigh, she answered the call, "Yes, Nik, what is it?"

Klaus wasted no time and got straight to the point, "I need my family in Forks. I've found my mate, but there's something off. I'll explain everything when you get here." And just like that, he hung up.

Startled by the urgency in Klaus' voice, Rebekah immediately called out for Kol and Elijah. Within seconds, her brothers appeared in her room, concern etched on their faces. "What's going on, Bekah? Why did Klaus call?" Elijah asked.

"He needs all of us in Forks. He found his mate, but something seems wrong. He said he'll explain everything when we arrive," Rebekah explained, her voice filled with worry.

Kol furrowed his brow, trying to make sense of the situation. "Where exactly are we going?" he inquired.

"Forks, Washington," Rebekah replied, her mind racing with questions and uncertainties.

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