chapter 10

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Jasper glanced at Alice before striding past her in search of Rosalie, or Rose as she was often called. He found her outside and she immediately sensed his distress. "Jasper, what's wrong?" she asked, her voice filled with concern. "What do we know about Edward and Bella's break-up? You were there," he said. "She left him, broke up with him, saying he brought too much danger to her. Why?"

"If he was lying, I don't know about what part, but he lied. And, well, my old comrade, I called him, and Klaus Mikaelson is in Forks. He found his mate in a shattered human."

"Oh my god, you don't think Edward hurt her, do you?"
Rose, come on, you saw everything that happened. He controlled every aspect of her life, from what she watched to the books she read, even the clothes she wore. Alice played a role in it all, and even the food and amount of blood Bells consumed. If he's hurting everyone in this coven, we're all in serious danger. The Mikaelson clan, the oldest vampires on earth, are ruthless when it comes to their family or potential mate - which seems to be our Bells.

Oh no, now we're not only being hunted by the Volturi, but also by the Mikaelson clan. Emmett and I will stick by your side. It might be your guys best bet Kol one of the mikaelsons came across me while I was under Maria's control he helped me me escape her clutches.
I fell in love with his sister but she dumped me never understood why though.

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