chapter 9

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Kol's phone rang, and he quickly answered Jasper's call. "Yes, Jasper, what's up?" Jasper shared some intel about Klaus finding his mate, and Kol relayed the news to Rebekah. "We're heading to Forks now," he explained. Kol was shocked to hear that Klaus's mate was in Forks, but they didn't have any more information. "Let me call you back," Kol said, realizing they needed to figure something out. "If it helps, his mate would be found in her weakest moments." As Kol tried to process the news, he wondered if Bella Swan was Klaus's mate. "Text or call me," he instructed Jasper. Kol couldn't believe that his adopted brother had dated a human, breaking the rules set by Aro and his brothers. Determined to find out more, Kol promised to come to Forks if Bella was indeed Klaus's mate. And with that, the call ended. Rebekah realized that Jasper was Bella's mate, but someone named Alice would come between them. Bekah decided to leave Jasper before things got too complicated.

Kol's mind was racing as he hung up the phone. The news of Klaus finding his mate in Forks had taken him by surprise. He knew his brother had always been drawn to powerful and extraordinary beings, but a human mate was something he never expected.

As he relayed the information to Rebekah, he could see the shock mirrored in her eyes. They both knew that Klaus's mate would be in danger, especially if their enemies found out. The thought of Klaus being vulnerable was unsettling, and they needed to act quickly.

"We need to gather more information," Kol said, his voice filled with urgency. "We can't just rush into this blindly."

Rebekah nodded in agreement. "Let's contact our contacts in Forks, see if they know anything about Klaus's mate. We need to find out who she is and how we can protect her."

Kol quickly dialed peter whitlock's number again, eager to get more details. "Peter, we need more information. What do you know about Klaus's mate? Who is she?"

Peter's voice came through the phone, filled with concern. "I don't have much to go on, Kol. All I know is that she would be found in her weakest moments. I'm sorry, but that's all I have."

Kol sighed, frustration evident in his voice. "Alright, keep digging. We need to know who she is and how to keep her safe. I'll call you back soon."

As he hung up, Kol's mind was filled with thoughts of Bella Swan. He had heard her name mentioned before, but he never paid much attention. Now, he couldn't help but wonder if she was the one Klaus had been destined to be with.

"Text or call me if you find anything," Kol instructed Peter before ending the call. He knew that if Bella Swan was indeed Klaus's mate, they needed to be prepared. And if that meant going to Forks to protect her, then so be it.

Rebekah, who had been listening intently, spoke up. "Jasper as in my mate, isn't he? But you said someone named Alice would come between them. What does that mean?"

Kol sighed, realizing that things were about to get even more complicated. "I don't know, Bekah. But we can't let anything or anyone come between Klaus and his mate. We have to find a way to make this work." Well worry about Alice when the time arises for now we focus on Klaus and his mate sweet sister of mine.

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