chapter 13

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In New York, Rose, Emmett, and Jasper each grabbed a massive suitcase, deciding it would be more convenient to only have one. They packed enough outfits for a few days. Jasper knew that even if one of the other coven members knew their destination, Alice would lose sight once they reached Klaus.

Meanwhile, Kol, Elijah, and Rebekah agreed that Bekah would be the one to inform Klaus about the abuse his mate had suffered at the hands of Edward. Kol expressed his concern, "You know he's going to go on a warpath the minute I tell him. He may even go on one of his murderous rampages, draining the town dry."

"If he does, I'll dagger him myself," Elijah stated calmly. "And while Nik holds a lot of respect for natives and their way of life, I don't think he'll disturb that. He may hunt Edward to the end of eternity, come hell or high water."

"We don't have much information since our dear brother didn't disclose much, so we'll take everything as it comes. We know what we need to free him of his curse, so that will bring him some sort of joy, I suppose."

Meanwhile, Ciaus was in the throne room with his brothers when his cell phone started to ring. "Who is it, dear brother?" Edward Cullen. "Put it on speaker, I wish to know what he wants," Ciaus instructed. "This is Edward Cullen. Ah, Edward, what do I owe this pleasure of hearing from you?"

"My mate, Bella Swan, is human. She left me before I could turn her!" Edward explained. "You consorted with a human girl? There are rules against that. The punishment is death. Did Carlisle not tell you this?" "He did, but I didn't think she'd leave me."

"We'll handle the girl." "You can't. I love her, and as I stated, the punishment for exposing our kind is death. Pick the girl or you?" Edward chose the girl before hanging up.

"I'll call Klaus and see if Edward is playing a game with us to clean up his mess. Brother, you know if we even try to harm the girl, Klaus and his clan will gladly kill us. They see us as an abomination in the vampire world." "I'm well aware, hence why he gets to know."

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