Untitled Part 17

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Bella was seated at the kitchen table, feeling a bit uneasy and not having much of an appetite. It was already noon when Jacob, being considerate, prepared a simple chicken salad for her. However, Bella only moved the salad around in her bowl without taking a proper bite. Concerned about her well-being, Jacob urged her to eat, reminding her that she hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon. He pleaded with her, saying that she should at least try to eat a bite or two for his sake. Meanwhile, Billy, sensing Bella's lack of appetite, decided to give her some space and called Jacob to join him in the living room. He thought that Bella might feel uncomfortable with Jacob watching her as she attempted to eat. Just as Jacob made his way into the living room, Klaus and another person entered the room. Frustrated, Klaus expressed his confusion about Bella's refusal to eat, mentioning that she usually enjoys salads even when she's not particularly hungry. Billy suggested that Bekah, the newcomer, go and sit with Bella, thinking that perhaps she just needed a woman's touch or someone to talk to. Reluctantly, Klaus agreed, warning Bekah not to upset Bella or face his wrath. Jacob then escorted Bekah to the kitchen and returned to the living room to join his father and Klaus, giving Bella the privacy she needed. Despite their distance, both Jacob and Klaus could hear every word being said in the kitchen.

"Hey there, sweetheart! I'm a friend of Billy's names Rebekah or bekah or Beks, and I thought you might enjoy having a girl to talk to instead of the guys. Bella responded with a noncommittal grunt, not quite sure what to make of the offer. "Okay, I'll do the talking and you can just listen, how does that sound?" Bella responded with a simple "mhm," not showing much enthusiasm. Let me tell you a story from a long time ago. I met this amazing southern boy and we ended up getting together. Everything seemed perfect, but after a few months, I went to a witch to ask if he was my soulmate. Surprisingly, she confirmed that he was, but she also warned me that another woman would come along and create a rift between us. Filled with fear and uncertainty, I made the impulsive decision to leave him that very same night."

"But before I met the southern man, there was someone else who entered my life. He was my brother's best friend, almost like a son or a brother to our family. We fell deeply in love, but when my brother found out, he was far from pleased. He banned Marcel from seeing me and forbade me from seeing Marcel. It was a painful situation because I loved this man with all my heart, and I knew he would have loved me unconditionally. However, my brother's jealousy and fear of losing me overshadowed everything else. He was scared that if I found a guy, I would leave him and our family behind, forgetting about them completely. It was a difficult and heartbreaking time for me, torn between the love I had for Marcel and the loyalty I felt towards my brother and family."

I was completely devastated. Let me share a story with you, a story that remains unknown even to my own brothers. It happened a long time ago, but the pain still lingers, and I remember it vividly as if it happened just yesterday. I was in a relationship with someone named [Name], who tragically lost their life in a war. To make matters worse, my own father had sexually assaulted me he caught me kissing a boy when i was younger and well i'm not sure what he thought he was doing or even as to why he did it to me is own daughter., What made it even more difficult for him but my brothers as well my refusal to accept any form of physical affection from my father and brothers. This experience shattered me to the core, leading me to stop eating and wearing dresses. Instead, I found solace in sweatpants, jeans, and leggings. Please know that I am here to listen and support you without any judgment, my dear.

As soon as Rebekah finished talking Bella looked at her your Your a vampire but how? that's a story for when you 100 percent healed both mentally and emotionally.
But word is Jacob has the legend of our kind so maybe we can hear it threw the natives Legend story telling they are in fact the best story tellers.

Klaus poster went ridged at the news of what his father had done to his dear little sister he quickly got up with Jacob wheeling Billy out the door to follow the Mikaelson.
That god forsaken bastard of a father if i didn't already kill him id torture the poor bloody bastard. Why don't we leave the two girls inside and Jacob can keep watch do you mind if my friend Charlotte assist Jacob? Not at all especially if she can maybe help our Bella. Where going to be out in the forest where he can blow of his steam and no harm will come to the regular folk said Billy.

while Rebekah talked to Bella, she got Bella to eat about 1/4 of her salad and well Charlotte keep to the outside she wanted to make sure the wolves knew her and peter were no threat. I'm Charlotte or Char i'm mated to Peter Whitlock, Jasper's brother by heart. Your eyes glow red why the Cullen's had a Hazel gold color Jacob asked rather rudely. They drink from animals those who drink from humans have red eyes and No me and Peter literally only feed the worst of the humans abusers and rapists and the occasional
serial killer.

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