Chapter 8 - Ana

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Song Recommendation:
Carried Away by Surf Mesa, Madison Bear.

December, 2019

It's been two months since Niall and I started going out. I can feel his cold exterior starting to melt day by day. He seems more relaxed nowadays and does not drink much like before. This is good. I've always wanted Niall to turn into his old self. But, the real question is, Is he over Amelia yet? I don't really know. Also, I think it's best if he never shares the answer to that question. I can't handle both the possibilities.

I never dated anyone before Niall. My parents were too strict, so I never got the chance back home. When I came to London, I met Niall. Ever since, my world has been flipped upside down.

He flipped my world upside down.

I did not find it in myself to look at any other guy except Niall. He was and always will be my Rock. I would accept I'm a hopeless romantic. Even though I knew, he'll never look at me the way I look at him, I always let myself believe, he's  my one and only. And it is kind of true. He truly is my one and only. I can never feel for anyone the way I feel for him.

Right now, riding shotgun in his Range Rover, I am the happiest person in the world. He's got his glasses on and the radio plays a soft melody in the background. We're on our way to his Farmhouse which is located on the outskirts of London.

 We're on our way to his Farmhouse which is located on the outskirts of London

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He turned his head at the sound of the camera. I quickly put my phone down so I could hide the action I was caught doing.

"Did you just click a picture of me?" His voice a little loud over the radio. I could feel my cheeks heating up at his words.

"...Yeahh.." I hesitated. When I looked at him again, a small smile played on his lips. Soon enough his lit up face was illuminated by the streetlights. He turned his head, interlocking our fingers, he brought them up to his lips, kissing my hand.

That was enough to let all the butterflies out of their cage inside my stomach. I know this thing is not permanent. I am the one who is going to end up getting hurt at the end. But, at times like these, I find myself being selfish. I want him all to myself. I don't want to exit the confinement of this car, where we have other people, Amelia. Here, it's just me and him. Niall and Ana.

I always told myself, I deserved a love like in the books and movies. I wanted the Flowers. I wanted the Brunch dates. I wanted my guy to love me blindly, to fall for me head over heels. I wanted him to cuddle me to sleep every night. I just wanted everything a girl dreams for. But, with Niall, I get the bare minimum. Lesser than that, actually. But, I somehow I feel the butterflies even with the bare minimum.

Who am I kidding? It's Niall! He's more than enough for me.

All my thoughts come to a pause when the car pulls up in a secluded property. Ahead of us is a wooden house covered in snow surrounded by snow filled pine trees. After we arrive near the house, Niall turns off the engine and runs his palm together looking over at me.

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