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Me and Lando have been cuddling since I got here. It just feels good to be in his arms. Even though it's only been 24 hours. I chuckle to myself. "Hm?" Lando says looking to me. "Oh nothing it's just I was missing you so much and it's only been 24 hours." I say giggling. Lando smiles, "I missed you too. Thank god you're here with me this weekend" he says kissing the side of my head. "How was the flight?" He asks snuggling into me more. "Good why? What have you heard?" I nervously ramble. He pulls away and stares to me, "Nothing? I was just asking" he says confused. I nod and go back to watching the tv. "Ria" he says. Oh gosh. I've gone and put my foot in it. "Ria" he repeats. I turn to face him, "What happened?" He asks scanning my eyes.

"Nothing" I say quickly. I know he knows I'm lying. "Babe. I've known you my whole life. You ramble when you're hiding something. So be honest with me. Have you got with someone else?" He asks frowning at me. I sigh, "No no it's not that" I say nervously. He puts a finger on my chin and guides my head back to look at him, raising his eyebrow. "Talk." He says sternly. I groan, "Fine. So basically. I was about to get on the flight and then I saw you messaged me so I looked down to type back and then I hit into someone and fell over. And then he helped me up. And his name was Nate. He was really nice. And then he asked what I was doing going to Monaco. And I said to watch the Grand Prix. And then he started rambling about how he was a McLaren engineer. And I was going to say to see you. But he cut me off and we walked onto the plane. And then he said you were pissed off cause he wasn't here earlier. And then I decided not to tell him cause it felt a bad idea. And then he sat with me and I fell asleep. And I woke up and he was on my shoulder leaning. So I gently slid him off and then went for a wee. And I um then the plane landed and I went to get my bag and then fell over and he caught me and I didn't mean to blush. And then he put my number in his phone and that was it." I say not meeting his eye. He blinks slowly for a minute dropping my chin. "You were with Nate?" He asks me confused.

"I um yes." I say. He scoffs. "No lando I don't like him I promise" I say desperately. He shakes his head chuckling to himself, "Why'd you let him have your number. And why didn't you move when he sat next to you?" He asks me sitting up in bed. I copy him and sit beside him nervous. "I don't know I didn't know what to do" I say. He nods slowly, "Has he messaged you?" He asks. I know it's not a good time to mention this so I shake my head. "No." I lie. I didn't think he'd actually check my phone he reaches over to grab it. "Lando" I say trying to reach for it. He gets out of bed and starts reading the messages scoffing. "Why did you lie?" He asks looking to me.

"I don't know. I thought you'd be more mad" I say biting my lip. "I don't care that a lowlife engineer is trying to bang you. I care that you lied." He says. "I know I'm sorry. I just. Oh gosh this is so confusing to me Lando. We're not dating but we're not single I don't know what we are" I say throwing my hands down. He clenches his jaw, "So what? You need a label to stay away from boys?" He asks me. I shake my head, "No Lando that's not what I meant". He ignores me and hands me the phone back, "You need to get ready. We're leaving in an hour" he says before turning and walking to the kitchen. For fuck sake Ria.

The atmosphere is very cold for the next hour as I'm getting ready. In fact Lando, only comes into the bathroom once to grab his aftershave and then walks off again. I grab a dress out my bag and get changed. "Cmon then. We need to go" he says not meeting my eye. I follow him upset this has all ruined the moment. We walk down to the lobby and through to the restaurant where the other drivers are waiting. "Lando!" Carlos says getting up and pulling him in for a hug. I see the way his mood changes and he fakes a happy smile. "RIA!" Thalia shouts running towards me. She hugs me tight, "I can't believe you're here!" She exclaims squealing. I nod but I honestly feel like I'm going to cry. "Oh girl. What's wrong come here" she says leading me through to the toilets.

"What's happened?" She asks leaning against the counter. I sigh, "there was this guy on the jet and he was flirting with me and I didn't shut it down because I didn't know what to do. But he got my number and I told Lando but then Lando asked whether he'd messaged and I lied thinking he wouldn't check my phone. And he hasn't spoken to me since" I say letting a few tears drip down my cheeks. "Oh Ria. It's ok. I'm sure he'll get over it." She says pulling me in for a hug. I cry a little bit in her arms but trying to not ruin my makeup. I see a notification pop up on my instagram. Friend request from Nate. I show Thalia the phone and we click on his profile.

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