Letter 001

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Dear Max, 

It's been different not having you around. I don't know if Hawkins will ever see peace again. After the gates opened and you went into a coma, it was only a few days before spores started raining from the sky. A huge part of me wishes you were here to see it, but maybe it's better that you don't because there's so much tragedy and pain in the community right now. I'm glad you don't have to witness it, but I miss you more than ever. I've been reading to you, a lot. My mom thinks it will help activate the neurons in your brain again or something. I don't really get why. 

Your mom is here too! Erica and I have been talking to her a lot. She misses you more than you can imagine. From the way your mom has been talking, it sounds like your dad is on his way too. I can't wait for you to find out. I can't wait to see that pretty smile on your face and the way your eyes light up when you find out he's here. You're going to be the happiest person in the world, and I'm going to be the second happiest because of how happy I am to be seeing you happy. Don't tell anyone I said that. I'd be made fun of for the rest of my life, even  more than I already am.

Everybody misses you. El is back, and it's been really hard on her. I think she's taking it almost as hard as me and Erica. I know you'll get better. I'm sure you will, but I just wish it was sooner.  Hopper is also alive and back. There was even more with the Russians than what we knew, but I'll wait until you're awake to explain that to you.

Please take the time you need to rest, but make sure you wake up soon. We all want you back. Please wake up soon, Max. We need you. I need you.

Your friend forever, Lucas

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