Letter 011

15 1 0

Dear Max,

I have an update to share on Will's side of the story. Brace yourself. It's kind of crazy, and none of us had any idea that it goes back to when he first disappeared before you even came to Hawkins. 

He didn't just disappear. He was kidnapped. I don't know why he didn't share the details before, but he did yesterday. You've probably already assumed this from my last sentence, but it was Vecna who kidnapped him. 

Vecna didn't come back into our realm or anything, but he sent a Demogorgon after Will. He saw Will and believed they were alike. So, he scared Will into the Upside Down with the Demogorgon. Will ran as fast as he could, but Vecna got into his mind- just like he did with all of his victims to create the gate. But he didn't hurt Will.

He showed up to Will in a vision, I guess like how he did when you visited Billy's grave, and tried to recruit him to work for him. He promised that Will would be back with his family again if he just did what he asked, and that was to be his spy. He said that if he didn't agree to it, he would be sorry. Will didn't understand what was really happening back then, but he said no.  

You've probably also assumed that Vecna didn't like that very much. He got all pissed off, and that's why Joyce and Hopper found him the way they did. He wouldn't have survived much longer if Vecna had gotten his way. When Joyce and the others entered the Upside Down, Vecna just waited for them to take Will back. He knew their story wasn't over yet, and he would be back. That was the last Will saw of him before the Mind Flayer.

Yesterday, Will said that he wanted to fight this time because of how much had happened and how much evil Vecna has aroused. He just wants it to end like the rest of us, and because Will was the first one he used to try to get to El to take over like he originally planned, Will thinks it's a responsibility of his. We've all tried to talk him out of it because if Vecna wants to kill him, he's going to try his absolute hardest to make it happen.

I wish you were here to talk him out of it, but you're still healing. I miss you so much, Max. We all do. We need you more than ever out here. Please heal soon. 

All my attention and care, Lucas

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