Letter 007

18 1 0

Dear Max, 

I'm so happy right now. There's so much good news to share with you! You've been moved to a different hospital room now that your bones have started to heal, and that means you're getting better! I'm so proud of you. I knew you would be able to fight this. It's all your timing. After everything that happened, I don't blame you for not healing right away. It honestly might be better this way for you. 

Erica showed me how to make bracelets a few weeks ago while we were sitting in your room hoping you'd wake up, and I think I've made almost over two hundred since the last letter I wrote. A lot has happened, but only in the past few days. I promise I didn't waste any time not writing to you. Your mom has seen you a bit more the past few days, and she's been crying because she's so glad you're getting better. That's how we all feel. Nancy, El, Joyce, and Hopper all came to visit you yesterday. Erica's been here every day with me. I don't think I've ever been closer to her in my entire life. Did you ever want siblings, real siblings, before your mom married Neil? I don't think you'd be the kind to want anyone else, but I'm still curious.

I bought you a radio the other day and brought it to the hospital. It's sitting next to your hospital bed now, waiting for when you wake up or if we need to have someone put Kate Bush on. I got a new tape with it too, so don't worry about not having the magic of her around. I'll never be able to say sorry enough for fighting Jason. If we hadn't fought, you would still be here, fully here. It honestly was my fault it didn't go through. We should have chosen something better than lights to use to signal out. That's how they found us in the first place.

Anyways, we've all been spending a lot of time at the old Hawkins radio station. That's where Dr. Owens is training El and Will. Nancy and Steve and Jonathan and Robin have been there a few times, but Mike is there almost every day. Dustin hasn't gone much because he's in a really bad mental state. Erica and I have been trying to get him to come stay with us, but his mom wants to keep him home. He misses Eddie like hell and Steve is the only one he's really been around lately.

Moving onto better things, Joyce and Hopper finally got in contact with Patty Newby! We haven't gotten a confirmation that she's coming to Hawkins yet because she already knows about what's happened in the news, but Joyce and Hopper are going to go visit her and sit and talk outside of the town to help her understand the situation. 

That means we're definitely heading in a good direction as long as Dr. Owens is getting further along with El and Will. We still haven't been told anything about why Will is working with them, but I know it's for the better.

Wake up soon, Mad Max. You won't want to miss it when we beat Vecna's ass into the ground and finish him for good. I love you and miss you more than anything in the world.

Forever your partner in crime, Lucas

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