Letter 006

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Dear Max,

El and Will have now been training with Dr. Owens for three weeks. He keeps saying it won't take much longer, but everyone knows it's a lie. He's just trying to ease the anxiety everyone is feeling, but he can't. Every day I'm becoming increasingly worried about you. You should've woken up by now. It's not good, and I'm starting to consider opening the fail-safe once again. Please wake up soon. I miss you more than anything, and I don't know how long I can keep this up. 

Like I wrote before, I'll wait by your side for you to wait up for as long as I have to, and I'll always keep true to that word. I'm just so drained from everything that's happening. Hawkins is getting worse and worse every second that Vecna's still in control. Dr. Owens is taking too much time preparing Will and El. We need a miracle. I don't know what it could be other than you waking up, but we need one. 

There's so much crap happening. I wish you were awake so I had someone to talk about it with instead of just ranting by writing on a piece of paper that I don't even know when you'll read. Nancy and Jonathan ended up breaking up, and it's really messy. Robin said something about Steve confessing his feelings at some point in time and Jonathan went absolutely feral on him. Didn't think that'd happen a second time. Steve isn't hurt physically, but he's staying away from Nancy with every fiber of his being. Everyone's known he's had feelings for her forever but now he's just afraid to mess it up with her after what happened with Jonathan. Nancy was the one to break up with him.

Mike and El have been going through a rough patch too. Mike's worried that she's spending too much time focused on Vecna and that she's going to burn herself out again, but she's persistent that she won't. It's pretty obvious that all she wants to do is end Vecna, and now that she knows about her past, she's pretty much unstoppable. Especially since she'll be facing him in person. I just know that if you were here you would be giving Mike so much shit about him helicoptering over her, and it just makes me miss you even more. 

Please wake up soon, Max. You're the only person I've ever really wanted a future with. I love you, and I miss you so ridiculously much. 

I'm stopping by the store to buy you a radio soon. More info to come on that in the next letter.

Forever by your side, Lucas

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