Letter 009

20 1 0

Dear Max,

We're back to making progress again. Joyce and Hopper talked to Patty Newby, and it's gone well. They told her about El and what Vecna/Henry/001 did to the others at HNL. She took a few days to process what had happened because she was so surprised, but then she came into Hawkins to talk to Joyce and Hopper.

I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing. From what we know about her story, she could be just as haunted as you and Vecna's other victims were, and that means he could easily see her in his mind lair. I don't know if he'd hurt her or not, and I'm starting to second guess our plan. It's her choice whether she goes in the Upside Down to see him or not, and I'm not sure if she will now that she knows he's the one who sent the demodogs who killed her brother.

I met her yesterday morning. Joyce and Hopper didn't want everyone meeting her yet, so they just let El, Will, and I talk to her when she visited the radio station. Dr. Owens also met her to explain things into detail, but that was later in the day. They let El and Will meet her because they've both had very personal experiences with the Upside Down in ways that the rest of us haven't, and they let me meet her to tell her about you and your story because they now believe Nancy's theory that you're stuck in Vecna's mind. 

The theory still doesn't make sense to me because your body is physically healing. You were literally moved to a different room under better circumstances. I don't get how that could happen while being stuck in Vecna's mind when El had nothing to do with your healing.

Back to Patty Newby. She seemed pretty cool when I met her. She wasn't on edge or anything; she just seemed genuinely curious. I wonder what's going on in her mind. She's in her early forties and hasn't been married, but there is one thing she said that's concerning. She said that Henry/Vecna/001 was the only one she'd ever wanted to marry. I don't think she does now (I don't know why she would after learning about all of the shit he's done), but it's almost like she was still sympathizing with him. I don't understand it at all. I think it will be okay, but I'm just not sure. 

I miss you, Mad Max. Even Patty Newby wants you to get better, and she's never even met you. Everyone, even people who have never even looked into your ice blue eyes, needs you to get better. 

We all love you,
but I obviously love you more
(and that's why we're going to that movie date together as soon as you get better),
so we need you to get better.

I love you so much, Max. I miss your blue eyes and fiery heart. Please wake up before the big confrontation. 

Yours forever and ever, Lucas

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