Letter 005

23 1 0

Dear Max,

Time is starting to fly by. So much is happening. Dr. Owens is back in town and helping Will and El. They're preparing to face Vecna, both of them. Will insisted on joining in. He's a lot more scared than El, but he said it's something that he has to do because of what happened to him when he first went missing. He hasn't really tried to explain it to any of us yet. Only one person understands what he's talking about, and that's Dr. Owens. Even El doesn't know what's happening in that area. They're just being trained together.

You've probably already assumed that Joyce is more frantic than ever before, and you're right. Apparently she and Hopper knew Vecna/Henry/001 in high school, and they have a whole personal story that relates to the murders of Vecna's family. It's a lot to explain, so I'll have to wait, but we've gone through the year books several times to figure out some things.

On a related note, there's a woman named Patty Newby that we're all trying to get into contact with right now. I'm sure you remember Bob Newby, Joyce's boyfriend who died a few years ago facing the demodogs. Well, Patty's his sister, and get this: she used to be Vecna's girlfriend! That messed up raisin looking thing had a girlfriend! They didn't even really break up either. From our understanding, Vecna just thought she'd died. Joyce and Hopper think that if we get in contact with Patty that we can try talking to him. I'm not sure if it'll work, but anything's worth a try at this point. I wonder what she'll think of him when she sees what he's turned into. Dr. Owens is trying to help us with that too. 

El is feeling really guilty about everything right now. She keeps saying that she wishes she would have fought Dr. Brenner sooner so that she could have been in Hawkins with us before we went down to fight Vecna. But she says it's too late to try to talk sense into him, so she firmly believes that finding Patty won't help. But maybe, just maybe, she's wrong about this. I would do anything for you because I love you. If Vecna ever really felt that for Patty, maybe it could work. I have to hope for the best.

I love you, and I miss you more than ever. Wake up, Max. We need your help.

All my attention and care, Lucas

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