Letter 004

19 1 0

Dear Max,

I'm starting to wonder if I should read the fail-safe letter you gave me the day we went to Billy's grave. Even though I have no doubt that you're going to wake up, I want to know what you said to me. Maybe it will help us figure out how to help you... but I'm also being selfish because I just want to hear your voice again, and I know that's a way I could. I'm afraid that would make the odds of you making a great comeback less in your favor, and I don't want to risk losing you entirely. I guess I'll keep you updated on that if anything changes and I chose to open the letter, but for now I won't. Just for now.

I started talking to your dad a lot more. I've been spending even more time at the hospital. I've lost count of how many days Erica's been covering for me. My parents obviously don't know the real reason you're in the hospital-- or at least how it happened. They think it was just from the gates opening. I think it'll have to stay that way. 

Your mom and dad are in the same boat right now. Your mom hasn't been able to visit much because she's been taking on so many shifts, but your dad is here a lot. I didn't take him seriously at first, but he's literally planning on staying until you wake up. He got an official job helping at the homeless shelter a few days ago to help your mom pay for the hospital bills. It's weird seeing them together. I thought they'd hate each other from what you've told me about their relationship, but they don't at all. I think they're bonding over the state you're in right now. Your dad is even living with your mom right now.

I miss you more and more every day, and I'll be waiting by your side every day until you wake up. We'll all be waiting when you decide the time is right to wake up. I really hope it's soon. I miss you, Max. 

Please don't get mad at me for saying this, but it's true. I don't just miss you, Max, I love you.  You have to wake up soon. I'm begging.

By your side forever, Lucas

𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘔𝘢𝘹Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora