Letter 008

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Dear Max,

I wish I had good news for you after my last letter, but I don't. It's nothing bad concerning Vecna or anyone's health and Joyce and Hopper still haven't gone to talk to Patty Newby, but it's just not good news. It's actually kind of stressing me out like hell.

Obviously you know that your dad is back and all and staying with your mom... but I didn't realize why he was back for good. It all makes sense now, though. 

He said when you wake up he's going to take you back to California with him and your mom is planning on going back with you guys too. 

It's actually physically painful to think about losing you again after just getting you back. Even though you might be safer in California, it wouldn't change anything. Nobody wants you to leave. Erica had a cow when she heard your dad say that. They got into a pretty heated argument, but then your dad explained himself to me.

He said you guys weren't safe here. He said that he'd made a lot of mistakes when it came to you and your mom, and he wanted to make up for it. He said he knows how much that I love you, and he's glad you have that, but it's time for you to go back to where you came from. He thinks you're going to be ready to go back to California because of the coma. He thinks it'll just be better in total. I don't know if he's right, and I know that I don't want you to leave, but it's ultimately going to be your decision.

I have an idea of what you'll say, but I won't write that now. It's not fair of me. I just thought you should know, considering that you might read these letters before he talks to you about it.

I love you, Max. Even if you do want to move back to California with your family, I'll still love you. I know it'll be a hard decision, but it's going to happen either way. Please wake up, Max. We need you. We all desperately need you right now.

I love you. 

Yours always, Lucas

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