Letter 012

12 1 0

Dear Max,

We've been struggling to try to convince Will to not go in with El and Patty, but it's not seeping into his brain. He keeps rejecting all of our reasoning. He got super agitated at Mike the other day because Mike kept telling him it was better to not to, and it was better to stay safe. El says that it's his decision to make. She even said "He makes his own rules". It hurt my heart to hear someone say that knowing you're still in a coma.

Moving on, I thought I'd update you on the whole Suzie coming into town to see Dustin thing. She got here three days ago, and it was kind of a living nightmare. She started having a mental breakdown the second she saw Dustin. Her hands were shaking and she was crying so hard she couldn't see. She told us later on it was because of seeing Dustin in "such a horribly distraught mental state". 

She kept saying, "Oh, Dusty, Dusty, what happened? Who did this to you?" Then she'd begin the whole cycle over and over again. I lost count when it reached over ten times. Part of me feels bad for her, but she just shouldn't have come all this way. We're all dealing with shit right now, and nobody's really in the mental state to talk to someone they haven't had contact with for a good five months. 

I didn't think anyone could be more hopelessly desperate to see the person they care about more than I did and still do, but Suzie is on a whole other level. I honestly wouldn't blame Dustin if he broke up with her at this point because she's so out of the loop and so ridiculously mentally unstable after going through nothing compared to what all of Hawkins, especially our friends, has been going through.

Steve had to try his hardest to not laugh at her. We didn't explain everything that's happened until the day after. She's staying with Dustin right now, but he's trying to convince her to go back home. I don't think she'll be up for that, though, considering the fact that her father said if she did one more bad thing that he'd disown her right before she left. Sounds like she has a really awful dad. I'm sure you can relate to that with  when Neil and your mom were still together. 

I'm still kind of worried about when you wake up and read that your dad wants to take you back. It's also kind of getting worse... because Neil found out that your actual dad was back in town and now he's trying to win your mom's affection back. It's an absolute shit show, but I'm sure you'll wanna see it when your mom officially rejects Neil. I think she's waiting until you're awake again to do it. You're going to be the happiest person on the planet.

Please wake up soon. We all miss you, Mad Max. I love you.

All my attention and care, Lucas 

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