Letter 002

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Dear Max,

From the moment you made it to the hospital, the doctors said it was unlikely you'd wake up soon... and unlikely you'd even wake up at all. It's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. They don't even know you, but I do. I know how hard you're going to fight to win the war. We're all going to try our hardest to defeat Vecna and save you too. I know you'll make it out because I know that you're not ever going to give up, not really, even if you try to convince your mind you're going to, you won't. It's just who you are. But the doctors don't know that.

They don't know how hard of a fighter you are and that you don't let people down. If you never wake up (obviously you will because you're a fighter, but metaphorically if you didn't), everyone's going to be even more shaken, and no one's going to let that happen. 

I forgot to mention it in the last letter, but El and the Byers and Mike aren't just back, but for good. You're going to be the happiest person on earth when you see El again. She's missed you a lot, just like we all have. We all visited you together the other day. Joyce is starting to believe we should turn to prayer to Jesus about all of this. Maybe she's a little on the eccentric side right now, but I'm starting to wonder if that's a good idea too.

When we were in the Creel house that night, you said that you used to pray that something bad happened to Billy before he died and then to yourself after he died... so I think it's worth trying to pray for you to wake up. Who knows, maybe God really is real. At least he'd help us with defeating Vecna. I'm just glad Vecna isn't God because that would make things even more messy than life itself.

I miss you so freaking much, Mad Max. Please wake up soon.

Your friend forever, Lucas

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