Letter 010

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Dear Max,

We're a month and a half away from the big confrontation, and there's a lot going on again. This is going to be a shorter letter (and just one sentence summaries because I have to go meet Steve and Dustin after this to talk, but I wish I could spend more time by your side).

Patty Newby decided that she would go with El and Will to see Vecna/Henry/001 in the Upside Down.

Will said that he is going to share his side of the story with everybody and why he's working with El in a week. I overheard a conversation of his and Dr. Owens the other week, and I think it has something to do with HNL.

Nancy and Steve are dating now. It happened fast, that's for sure, and Jonathan definitely isn't too happy about it, but he's going to have to accept that they're definitely going to last this time. Robin's working on that. She's trying to help him out to be a friend and help Nancy and Steve in the process.

El and Mike had this huge conversation on the roof a few days ago, and they're fine now. Mike's not necessarily happy that El is going down to see Vecna with Will and Patty, but he's not all mopey dopey about it now.

Suzie saw what happened in Hawkins (yes, Dustin's girlfriend who he hasn't been able to speak to in months) and got in contact with Dustin. She said she's leaving home to visit him and have him explain what the heck's going on. It's inevitably going to be a mess (that's also why I have to go talk to Dustin and Steve, to try to figure out how to handle her with everything going on).

Dr. Owens moved El and Hopper to the radio station permanently. There's been a lot of government interference in Hawkins, and the chances of them finding Hop's old cabin with all of their things being used now in it was too risky. Hopefully they'll be able to move back in when everything is over.

I know that's a lot, but like I wrote, there's a lot happening. I love you, Mad Max, and I'll be right back by your hospital bed tonight. We need you to start healing, Max. Please try your hardest. We can't do this without you. 

Always by your side, Lucas

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