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Two days after Lucas's last letter to Max (so exactly one week before the "big confrontation"), Max wakes up while Lucas is in Mike's hospital room visiting him with Nancy, Steve, El, Will, Dustin, Suzie, and the others. They hear a shout from the hospital from one of the nurses shouting, "She's awake," and they immediately know it is Max.

Lucas is overjoyed in a way he has never felt in his entire life. His eyes fill with tears as he rushes to her side. There is a smile on his face, bigger than the whole sky, as he clutches her hand as hard as he possibly can, and he laughs with his whole heart as he says, "I missed you so much."

Everyone is crying with an overflow of emotions because of their lovely, incredible, and beautiful miracle: Max Mayfield.

In the end, Max decides to stay in Hawkins until Vecna is defeated and then decide on her fate. But there is much to happen before Vecna is defeated. 

Will someone or possibly more than one person have to die for them to save all of Hawkins, and possibly the entire world? What do you think? I'm not writing a sequel to this fic because it was Lumax based, so that means the decision is yours! You get to write the ending for yourself!

In my perfect ending, Max isn't blind (because otherwise how would they have their movie date??) and does eventually heal. Vecna is defeated in the end, and one person has to die, and that person is Vecna. I also say that Patty Newby dies in the process as well.

What do you think? What's your ending??

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moving into Author's note ->

I hope you guys loved reading these letters and getting a better look into Lucas's love for Max and a little season 5 fic in a way too! I sure had fun writing this kind of story, so I'm definitely considering working on more of them in the future.

If you like Stranger Things fics, I have a new one coming out soon called End Times, and it's going to be a season 5 fic with a lot of details of what we know of season 5 is consisting of already. I also already have a Stancy fic out, and it's called The Stancy Files if you want to read that!

If you like Outer Banks, I'm also currently working on a season 4 Jiara fic that will probably be out sometime this summer, maybe soon if my schedule opens up for more time to write sooner than later. We'll see.

If you're a Wednesday fan, I have two wavier fics already completed as well.

Have the best day!!

Til next time,
- S <3

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