Letter 014

31 1 0

Dear Max,

We're now only nine days away from the big confrontation. Will is starting to distance himself from everyone but Dr. Owens, and Joyce is worrying more than she has in a long time. El is the most angry at Vecna that she's ever been in her entire life, I'm pretty sure. She's going to do whatever she has to do to avenge Mike and the horror Vecna put on the Wheeler household. 

Patty Newby says that she's prepared to talk to you or fight you with her bare hands. After seeing the trauma left on the Wheelers, specifically Mrs. Wheeler because they went to high school together, she just says she wants peace for everyone. She says she thinks Vecna/Henry/001 just being used by the Mind Flayer, and we're going to have to destroy him to get to Vecna/Henry/001... and she says she's going to be okay with it if that means destroying Vecna/Henry/001 because the real Henry's soul would be crushed within seconds if he knew what disaster and horror he'd caused.

El doesn't believe that at all. She thinks that Vecna/Henry/001 is just behind all of it, and the majority of us agree with her. Robin's really into conspiracies so she's taking every single thought that anyone has into consideration. Jonathan doesn't like any of it. He thinks someone's going to have to die, like one of us, for it to really be finished for good, and he thinks that person is going to be El or (and possibly and) Will. 

It's going to be bad, Max. I have a bad feeling about this if we don't have you with us.

Please wake up.

I'll literally do anything for you to come back.

Please. Wake up.

I miss you more than anything. I love you. I can't wait to see you when you wake up.

All my heart, all my love, and everything I'll ever have and be, Lucas

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