Chapter 4

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Warnings:Swearing,Blood,Abuse,Bad English(maybe)

Act 9

Six years ago, before Aya and Noé met. Aya was playing in the meadow, collecting flowers and weeds. Her dress was a little dirty from the earth. After some time, Aya took into her little hands all the flowers and weeds she had pulled from the ground and ran to her  home. On the way, she met a black cat, caught it and hugged it. 
"She'll definitely like this kitty"
She said and continued walking.
She entered the mansion and walked down the hall to a certain door.
She said in a whisper to the kitten as they walked down the hall. Aya noticed that the door to the room she was heading to was open and she heard the sound of  there were some voices there.
Oh, there's someone there. It's okay, I can wait.
She thought and sat down near the wall next to the door. Then she heard a conversation.
"What do you mean, doctor?"

Aya was surprised.

"Unfortunately, judging by her condition, your wife won't make it to the end of the month. I'm sorry."
Between the man and the doctor there was a bed on which lay an emaciated woman with raven hair, she had a high fever and was breathing heavily.

Aya froze.

The man next to the sick woman began to shed tears. Aya was still sitting by the door.
Her brother said in a muffled voice, and then the girl only just noticed him.
"Get up, we'll have a problem if they notice us."
Said the boy, grabbing her hand.
The girl stood up and went with her brother, when her brother held her hand, she noticed that his hands were shaking.
...The brother also heard the conversation.
She thought.
They both left the corridor and in a split second the girl looked at that door again.

Her eyes darkened.

Act 10

Aya was sitting on the ground by the road. She was swinging her head from side to side happily, holding something in her hands. There was a smile on her face.
"How pretty. How sweet."
The girl giggled and stood up.
"I'll show it to daddy. I wonder if he will like it."
The girl ran home, Agatha greeted her at the door.
"Hello, miss."
She greeted Aya with a smile, the girl didn't answer, she just looked at her.
The expression on the girl's face made Agatha shiver, but the maid didn't stop smiling.  Aya ran up the stairs to her father's office.
"Daddy! Daddy!"
The girl called out as she opened the door. Her father turned to her in the chair and shuddered as drops of blood flowed from the girl's hands.
"See, see."
The girl said and then spread her hands to show what  she had in her hands.
In Aya's hands there was a bloody, dead bird.
"Look, what a beautiful birdie. It's adorable!"
Said the girl in a happy voice, smiling demonically.
The man quickly approached her and knocked the bird out of her hands.
"Are you fucking crazy!?  What the hell is wrong with you!?"
Aya's father shouted angrily.
"Hmm? Have I done something wrong?"
The confused girl asked.
This question only enraged her father. The man took a swing and hit the girl so hard that she fell to the ground.

The girl shouted, barely getting up.

"Are you serious!? Are you an idiot or what!? Who brings a dead bird!? Are you crazy!?"
The man shouted at his daughter.
He looked at his daughter with anger, but her face showed no emotion. 
"Yes... It's obvious. That's why your mother died... She died as a punishment for giving birth to such a monster. Because of you, she died! She would have lived a happy life with her family if you had never been born!"

The girl felt something break inside her.

The man began to walk towards the door, when he passed Aya he added only one more sentence:

"You are a monster, not a human."

The man left the room. Aya was still sitting on the floor, after a while Hiroto ran into the room.
The boy shouted and then knelt down in front of his sister.
"I'm sorry I didn't stop you, Agata told me you came here. Are you okay?"
The boy asked with worry in his voice.
The girl didn't say anything, she just got up and went to the dead bird to pick it up.
"Don't worry, brother."
She said with calm in her voice, then stood up and turned to her brother.
"Everything daddy said is pure truth."
Aya said with a smile.
Her brother looked into her eyes, they looked different than before Aya entered the office.

They looked like  bottomless void.

Thanks for reading.
I'm sorry if I haven't written enough, but I've run out of ideas at this point.

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