Chapter 8

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Warnings:Swearing,Blood,Bad English(maybe)

Act 17

The door opened. On the other side, Aya saw a large office, the walls were all black, only one of them had a large window overlooking the city, there was a scarlet carpet on the floor, in the middle of the office there was a desk with a man sitting at it. He had black hair, scarlet eyes and a black coat.

"Boss, I have obeyed your orders and brought a recruit." Amaru said in a serious tone.

The man looked at Aya.

"...!" When the man turned his gaze to the girl, Aya felt a sudden chill. The man's gaze was not normal.

In fact, Amaru and Ryūji didn't have normal eyesight either, it was the look of a murderer.

"Great, tell me girl, what's your name?" The man asked with a smile on his face, but Aya could guess that this smile was just a mask to hide his intentions.
The girl didn't say anything for a moment.


"So, Aya. What do you think this organization does?" Aya didn't say anything for a second, she had to collect information.

The look of a murderer, hidden intentions, high financial resources, trained bodyguards...She thought

"It's an organization of assassins, am I right?" She replied.
The man smirked

"I have a question if I may ask."

"Go ahead."

"Why did you bring me here? What's more important, why do you want to recruit me?I don't have any murdering skills."
The man didn't answer, he just looked away and sighed.
"Unfortunately, we've had quite a crisis for two years. Our members are being murdered one by one, which is why we have a shortage of people. They are being killed by a murderer who spreads terror in this city for a long time."

"...What a murderer." The man looked at the girl and said in a tone cold as ice.

"You know him, he's the murderer who killed your father and brother two years ago."Aya shuddered, a fire ignited in her heart with hatred and anger, her eyes expressed a terrible lust for murder. Amaru just looked at the girl with boredom.
"... Calm down." Amaru said in a cold tone. Aya calmed down a bit.

"We tried to find and eliminate him, but to our surprise, he is practically elusive. Honestly, the fact that you were chosen was not a coincidence. Amaru, together with Ryūji, obtained secret government files in advance, based on which Amaru found the orphanage where you were staying, and I sent him to take you away."

"Why were you looking for me?" Aya asked, full of suspicion.

"Well, I figured that since you had dealings with this murderer, you would be quite useful to us.With the information you got about him, we could find him and kill him." Aya didn't say anything for a moment.

"Hmmm, I see. But you left out one thing. What's in it for me?" Aya asked, smiling sinisterly. The man smiled too.

"...Redemption" Aya was filled with terror.

"From this what do I know, this whole murderer thing happened because of you. The murderer's target from the beginning was you, so it can be assumed that all the murders, including your brother's murder, were your fault."

Aya was terrified, cold sweat ran down her neck. The memories returned to her mind,the events of that day two years ago. When her brother was dying in a dark alley and all she could do was run away, when she returned to her house to see it standing in flames with Agatha's hanging body in front of him. Her father's words came back to her.Her heart was beating like a hammer, she began to breathe with difficulty. Amaru looked at the terrified girl.

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