Chapter 6

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Warnings: Swearing,Blood,Bad English(maybe)

Act 13

Hiroto led Aya to the mortuary, his heart racing and his mind flooded with thoughts.
What the hell is this about? Why does the killer want to play a game? What game? And why does he care about Aya? How are they related?What the fuck is going on!?
Aya looked at her brother's stressed expression. She grabbed his hand.
"Don't worry Hiroto. I'll be fine." She said, trying to calm him down.
Hiroto calmed down, but of course he was still worried about his little sister. Suddenly, there was some confusion in front of them. The siblings ran there. What they saw was a pair of cars colliding with each other. The police had already arrived at the scene and deployed police tape, Aya ignored it and ran to the truck in front of all the vehicles.
"Hey! Young!"The policeman shouted. "Aya!" Hiroto shouted at the girl, then he also ignored the tape and ran after his sister. Aya ran to the window of the truck and looked inside.
"Aya!" Hiroto shouted as he caught up with the girl.
"You can't just walk into the scene of an accident."Hiroto froze as he looked at the seat of the truck. Behind the wheel sat the bloody body of a dead man.
"Brother, how do you think the driver died?" She asked her brother. Hiroto looked more closely at the body, after a while he said: "He was poisoned."
"Bingo. Probably coffee  that he had at hand was poisoned. A poisoned driver and an accident just when we were about to go to the mortuary. This is not a coincidence."
Aya smiled sinisterly.
"So the pieces were placed on the chessboard, the game had started."

Suddenly, the policemen started running towards  towards Aya and Hiroto.
"Oops, if they catch us, we'll lose time." Said Aya. Hiroto was against running away from the police because it could lead to trouble. But at that moment he did something he didn't expect.
"Follow me!"Hiroto shouted, grabbing Aya's hand. They both ran to a dark alley, Aya noticed a dumpster by the alley wall. "This way." She said, pulling Hiroto.
"It's a dead end, they'll catch us!"
"They won't"
Aya said and jumped on the lid of the dumpster, jumped and bounced off the walls of both buildings once again, she grabbed the end of the wall next to the garbage bin, pulled herself up, and then found herself on the roof of the small building. She did this because Aya had been extremely physically challenged since she was a child. Hiroto then climbed up as quickly as possible and Aya helped him. 
"Ugh. Now we'll have problems with the police." Hiroto said dejectedly, not believing what he had just done.
"I don't care, it's our private matter." Aya said bluntly.
"We escaped from the police, but we still have to get to the morgue."Aya was trying to see the mortuary from the roof.
"You don't understand anything! If the police had stopped us, we would have only had a small problem. But no, we escaped from the police, making matters worse and now they can look for us!" "And?" Aya asked, confused.
"What do you mean by 'And?'!? Don't you understand, the police are looking for us, it will make it difficult for us to get to the mortuary and other places, which will make the whole task more difficult for us!"
Hiroto shouted, all nervous.
"Hmm, if the murderer made such a move, it means that the clue is in  mortuary. He made his move, obstructing our access to the mortuary, now it's our turn." Aya muttered under her breath.
"I have an idea." Aya said, snapping her fingers. She walked up to Hiroto and grabbed him by the collar.
"A-Aya, what are you do-?"Hiroto wanted to ask the girl, but before he could finish, Aya threw him off the roof.
"Waaaaah!!!" Hiroto screamed, falling into the dumpster. He reached the surface of the dumpster, taking a deep breath.
"Aya, what the hell was that!? Do you want to kill me!?"He shouted. Hiroto looked at Aya who started to come down from the roof.
"Shut up or the police will find us."Aya said, helping her brother get out of the garbage.
"I stink all over." He said, brushing off his coat.
"You'll soon be even worse."
"Huh, why?"Hiroto asked confused.
"We have to get to the mortuary, but in a way that the police won't find us. There is one way that allows us to do that."
Aya said, approaching something. Hiroto thought for a moment and then stopped dead in his tracks.
"No. Don't tell that you mean this road." Hiroto said discouraged.
"Exactly." Aya said, approaching the well. "We'll go through the city's sewers."

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