Chapter 7

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Warnings:Swearing,Blood,Bad English(maybe)

Act 15

"It was like this. I found out about my father's murder, I went to my sister to help me find the murderer, we went to the crime scene where I found out that the murderer was playing some genius game with Aya or something like that. We went towards the mortuary but something happened there was an accident that was caused by the murderer I mentioned earlier, the police wanted to arrest us for entering the scene of the accident, but instead we escaped, complicating matters. Then we moved through the city sewers to get to the hospital, we separated, I took the garbage collector's outfit, we met in a storage room and then we got through to the mortuary. Aya went into the room to check the body and I was on the lookout because at any moment someone could come to do an autopsy, of course, after some time someone came to do an autopsy, so to stop him I started saying some shit, Aya somehow got out from the room, but I still had a problem, so she turned on the sprinkler on the ceiling, creating confusion, thanks to which I could escape. We escaped from the hospital and hid in an alley, but it turned out that the murderer had found our whereabouts and notified the police. And that's how I ended up in a cell with you."Hiroto said, finishing the presentation of the reason why he was sitting in a cell with a stoned old man with tattoos.

 Hiroto looked at the old man
....He's sleeping.... Well, fuck it. Hiroto thought, turning his gaze to the wall. 

I hope Aya is okay. He thought with worry. 

Meanwhile, Aya was sitting in the interrogation room. 

"Uhhhh. I'm bored! Although you could give me cards, I can play with myself. Hm? No? Bastards." Aya said, turning to the one-way mirror. After a while, back to the room. a man in his thirties entered, his uniform showed that he was a policeman.

"Hello little girl"He turned to Aya.

"Hello fool"Aya replied without even looking at the policeman.

"I would be grateful if you would give me your attention"Aya looked at him sideways .The policeman gently grabbed her hand."I'll just ask you a few questions, you don't have to stress."The policeman said calmly.

"Pfff...Ha, ha,ha,ha,ha!" Aya laughed, the policeman looked at her surprised"That I? Should I be stressed? That's bullshit!" The man got a bit irritated. "So, back to this stupid interrogation, ask."                                                                                                                                                                                       The man took a breath and asked calmly."As far as I know, you entered the scene of the accident against police orders and later you ran away with your brother, provoking the officers." 

"So what?" Aya asked in a bored tone, leaning on her hand. 

"So what?" Little girl, you don't understand that you broke the rules in front of the police and, additionally, not even two hours after escaping, you entered the main hospital without registering, you snuck into the morgue and illegally checked the body of a murder victim." 

"I had a reason. Eeeeh, these damn laws really bother me sometimes." The policeman was irritated. 

"Little girl, we have to go to your parents." 

"They're dead. "Aya said, interrupting the policeman. The girl looked at the clock on the wall. "Well, I guess it's time for me." Aya got up from the chair, she had one hand handcuffed to the table. She snapped her hand attached to the table and immediately freed herself from the handcuffs. The policeman looked at the girl was stunned, Aya approached the door.

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