Chapter 16

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Warnings:Swearing,Blood,Bad English(maybe)

Act 32
"A special unit equal in strength to Teufel's subordinates and will be able to fight them." Sachiko said with a smile.
Everyone looked in surprise. "What the hell are you talking about?!That would require at least fifty members or some inhumans!"Minori shouted banging on the table.

"We have a few of them." Said Sachiko, still smiling.

"That's true, but some of them are really dangerous, that's why we locked Shi up. She was too unstable."Said Kyouka.

"If they get out of control, the other members could get hurt. But if the team is commanded by someone with the right skills and can kill them without remorse, it could work." Rose said.

"It's not worth the risk." Louis said.

"But it's worth it this time~" Sachiko said to him."Honestly, the final decision is up to the boss."Sachiko pointed at the boss.

"Boss, how will you decide?" Louis asked.

Azai didn't say anything for a moment. "Personally, I don't support Sachiko's proposal."

"But boss-"

"Calm down, Sachiko-chan,I'm not finished yet.I don't support Sachiko's proposal, but I can't ignore it either."

Minori suddenly stood up. "Boss, if we agree to this, the ultimate fate of our organization will be determined by whether this special unit loses or not. If the plan fails  it will ricochet into our organization. If this special unit is killed, not only will Teufel destroy us, but we will also lose our last resort!-"

"Minori-kun" He began in a cold, blood-curdling tone."Have I ever made a mistake?"He said with a cold look.

Minori sat down in silence."...Please forgive me for my behavior."He said remorsefully.The boss smiled.

Oh, now I know why Ryūji is such a dog. Amaru thought.

"Then. Sachiko's proposal cannot be rejected, but we should  think about it. If Teufel takes more drastic measures than what he has done against us so far, I will consider forming a unit." Said the boss.
Sachiko was quite happy that her proposal was not completely rejected.

When I get back to the rest, I will tell Aya-chan about it.I hope she will be happy~ Sachiko thought.

Act 33

The meeting lasted some time and then everyone left.

Sachiko just started to go back to the rest.

"Ehhh..." Sachiko sighed.

This meeting lasted a while, at least Aya-chan's proposal was not rejected by the boss.Ehh, but I'm still exhausted...Sachiko thought on the way back.

"Lalala~Delicious pudding,lalala~It's delicious,tralalala~I wonder what it would taste like with shrimps~Lalala~That's a bad idea~Lalala~"She sang happily.

Now I'm hungry...Oh, I was supposed to buy some snacks on the way back!She thought.
She started looking around, looking for a store. She went to one and bought pudding for everyone.

"Lalala~I have a delicious pudding~Tralala~"She was singing while leaving the store.
Suddenly she noticed a strange figure.
She sensed this person's lust for murder and evil intentions. She decided to follow the mysterious figure. She was experienced in assassination, so she was great at stealth. Suddenly the figure met someone.The other person was wearing a tengu mask* so Sachiko couldn't see his face.
However,she recognized the other person by the murderer's aura that she sensed.

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