Part 16

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"Put his headphones on speaker Junseo!"

I just looked at the monitor, and could hardly estimate the speed but it showed more than 186 Miles .

"If something happens to him I'm going to kill you !" I could feel my fiancé's grin behind my back.

His breath nauseated me and when his hands touched my hips a shiver went down my spine.

"Oh him go down in his car." I could hear the satisfaction in his voice....

The engine of his racing car howled as Jungkook completed the first lap.

"Junseo please! I'm begging you!" I whimpered softly and squinted my eyes as he hugged me to him.

"I told you I'd hurt anyone you told our little secret to."

It was as if he was wrapping his fingers around my neck....

"Why y/n? Why can't you love me the way you love him!" Junseo turned me to face him and the roar of Jungkook's car told me the second round was over.

"He's going to die Y/n. His speed is already over the limit, he can't slow down and if he lets his car coast...well...boom."

I felt my tears rolling ... " Junseo please!"

He leaned his forehead against mine and his fingers brushed my tears away. My whole body froze with every touch he made.

"I love it when you're submissive. But that doesn't change the fact that you couldn't keep your pretty tongue in check."

And the third round that Jungkook had behind him....

"I love him!" I whispered, sobbing. " I love him."

"Oh no no no! Wrong answer!" Junseo pulled me out of the garage of his racing stable and took me to the top of the grandstand.

"It's time!" he grinned and took something out of his jacket and put it in my hand.

It looked like a small remote control, but with just one button.

"Press the button 'Y/n'" he said and grinned.

"What happens when I press it!" I was scared.

"Find out and press the button!"

I looked at the thing in my hand.

"PRESS THE DAMN BUTTON KIM Y/N!" he shouted at me and took the thing from my hand and pressed it.

That loud bang made me jump in horror. I sat up in my bed covered in sweat.

I gasped for air. I cried.
"Shit...shit...!" I mumbled, got up and went to the bathroom.

I washed my face with cold water to make sure it was just a nightmare.

"He's alive!" I whispered as I looked at myself in the mirror. "It was just a fucking dream. Jungkook is alive. "

Back in my room, I reached for my phone and dialed the number I found on the Internet a few days ago...

"Where are you going?" my mother stood at the edge of the stairs.

I tried to stay calm, even though I had been for a long time.

"I need some fresh air! I'm suffocating here!" I replied.

"You're not going anywhere!"

"You can't keep me here!" I said and tried to get past her.

My mother held me back by my arm. She looked at me and I saw how much she must hate me.

"Where to?"

"I just want to get out for a bit, sit in a café!" I sighed.

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