Chapter 10 Transforming Into His beastform

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The following morning, Samaya felt a persistent ache in her feet, despite the well-crafted boots Leviathan had provided. Dishearteningly, the pain intensified, prompting Leviathan to notice her distress. Upon examining her feet and discovering the swelling and redness, he expressed sincere concern, "You've injured your foot. I'll carry you until we reach the city." Before she could respond, Leviathan transformed his legs into a snake tail and gently cradled her up. It marked her first witnessing of his transformation, and the sensation of being enveloped by his tail sent shivers through her. "Are you scared?" he inquired. Shaking her head, she reassured him, "You're my spouse; there's no reason to be afraid of you. I'm just not used to the feeling of your skin." Hearing her words, Leviathan's heart skipped a beat. He chuckled and gracefully slithered with her toward the city, the rhythmic movement of his tail unexpectedly providing a sense of comfort and security.

The dispatched beastmen from the castle reached the lake, detecting the scent of a female in the air. However, they were puzzled as they didn't recognize her scent, realizing she wasn't from the city and hadn't been abducted from them. After a brief discussion, they decided to prioritize her safety first and inquire about her origin later. Excitement filled the air as the beastmen communicated with each other. All the males present were singles, and the prospect of rescuing a female meant they could potentially become her spouse. Eagle beastmen transformed, soaring into the sky, while others took on the forms of wolves, tigers, lions, and leopards, they skillfully sought the elusive scent of the female, vying for the opportunity to save her and win the right to be her spouse. Time was of the essence, as each of them eagerly sought the chance to save her first and earn the benefit.

Leviathan, who would typically take four to five days to reach the city, found the journey extending to nearly a month with Samaya. "Tomorrow we will arrive in the city, so let's take shelter here," Leviathan suggested. Suddenly his gaze directed towards the sky. Perplexed, Samaya followed his gaze. "What's wrong?", she acquired narrowing her eyes from the sun. She noticed three birds flying in their direction.

"I found her," said an eagle to the others. In their beast form, they communicated in bird language and needed to change back if they wanted to speak with a female. "Nice, we were faster than the others. We get the chance to rescue her first," remarked another. All three eagles looked at each other and dashed down to the female.

Terrified by the giant birds dashing toward her, Samaya stumbled over her own feet and fell backward with her butt on the ground. Leviathan, highly on guard, slithered to her side, ready to protect her. He fully transformed into a large white snake with a fierce determination in his eyes, his cold gaze was filled with murderous intent. The lead eagle, the one who had proclaimed, "I found her," communicated with the others in bird language. Leviathan, maintaining his defensive posture, hissed and coiled protectively around Samaya, signaling his unwavering commitment.

The leader, now standing on the ground in human form, extended a hand toward Samaya. "I am Riven, and these are my companions, Aric and Ares. We're here to protect you from any harm. May we know your name?"

Unable to comprehend their words, Samaya looked at them with confusion. Leviathan, sensing her uncertainty, nudged her gently with his snake tail in an attempt to reassure her.

The eagles, recognizing the language barrier, exchanged glances and shifted their approach. Riven gestured and pointed toward the city, conveying their intentions non-verbally. Samaya, still cautious, caught the meaning and started glaring at Riven.

After the silent communication with the other eagles, Riven turned back to Samaya. "Female, we're here to bring you to the city safely. There are others on their way, but our group arrived first." Despite her inability to understand, Samaya nodded, hoping to get rid of them this way. She clearly wasn't in the mood to follow them, the only reason she obediently agreed was because of Leviathan.
The eagles, transforming back into their bird forms, circled over Samaya, Leviathan, and Riven as the unique group set off toward the city of beasts.

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