Chapter 18 Uncovering The Secret

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The next morning dawned with a renewed sense of purpose for Samaya as she embarked on the monumental task of constructing their home. With a resolute spirit, she gathered the burnt bricks that Hyo had diligently prepared and began arranging them meticulously, her determination evident in every movement. As the structure started taking shape, Samaya occasionally looked at Hyo. Observing her efforts, Hyo couldn't help but feel a twinge of admiration mixed with amusement. “She can't even lift the bricks. It's a wonder she didn't ask me for help,” he mused to himself, before deciding to lend a hand. “I'll help you carry them,” he offered, walking over to the pile of bricks and gesturing for her to follow. “What?” Samaya questioned, surprised by his sudden assistance. “Let's go,” Hyo replied with a smile, prompting her to shyly accept his offer with a grateful nod and a bright smile.

Together, they formed a makeshift team, their collaboration transcending the barriers of language as they worked in harmony to bring their shared vision to life. Samaya, with her resourcefulness, directed the construction process, while Hyo lent his strength and agility to the physical labor. Throughout the day, the rhythmic sounds of construction echoed through the forest, a testament to their unwavering determination and cooperation.

By evening, a simple yet sturdy structure stood proudly before them. As the last rays of sunlight bathed their newly built home in a golden glow, Samaya and Hyo admired their handiwork, a sense of accomplishment swelling within them. The flickering firelight illuminated the entrance of the house. Samaya, feeling a sense of accomplishment, shared a grateful look with Hyo. Eager to make her home more comfortable, Samaya expressed her desire to build an oven inside the house. With renewed enthusiasm, they gathered materials from the surrounding area. They collected stones for the structure, clay for insulation, and wood for fuel. Working side by side, they carefully constructed a small, functional oven in one corner of the house, their combined skills and ingenuity evident in every detail. Samaya, guided by her instincts and resourcefulness, shaped the clay to insulate the oven, ensuring efficient heat retention. Hyo, using his strength, helped move and arrange the stones to create a sturdy foundation.

Once the oven was complete, Samaya ignited a fire inside, testing its capabilities. As the flames flickered to life inside the newly built oven, the warmth filled the cave, providing both a cooking space and a source of comfort. However, their excitement soon turned to dismay as they realized their oversight: they had neglected to construct a chimney. Consequently, during their first attempt at using the oven, the absence of proper ventilation caused the cave to fill with smoke. Coughing and waving away the haze, they swiftly recognized the problem and set to work rectifying the situation. They improvised a makeshift chimney by carving a narrow opening in the roof, allowing the smoke to escape. Using basic tools, they carefully carved out a vent, allowing the smoke to escape and preventing further discomfort. Though it wasn't the most elegant solution, the improvised chimney proved to serve its purpose.

Amidst the smoky mishap with the makeshift chimney, both Samaya and Hyo found themselves covered in soot, their faces resembling a comical mix of black and gray. Amidst the chaos of their smoky mishap, laughter bubbled up between them as they shared a moment of lighthearted amusement at their unintentional transformation into sooty figures. Wanting to help Hyo rid himself of the soot, Samaya reached out and gently began to wipe his face with her hands. To her surprise, as the dark smudges lifted, she discovered that the facial markings on his face were not natural markings but painted. Hyo, realizing that his secret had been uncovered, swiftly stood up and darted towards the nearby lake to inspect his face, with Samaya following closely behind. As they reached the water's edge, Hyo peered into the reflective surface, his expression twisting into a frown. “What a hassle, I've been found out!” he muttered, frustration evident in his voice.

Samaya, upon discovering that his markings were merely painted on Hyo's face, felt a surge of anger and confusion. She couldn't fathom why he would lie about such a seemingly trivial matter. Sure, they were in search for a strong beastmen, but the presence or absence of them didn't matter to her. Samaya wondered if he was ashamed of being weak or if there was some other reason behind his deception, but as Hyo attempted to explain that he was the same as Leviathan and was above the beastmen with markings, Samaya's frustration deepened. She struggled to comprehend his words through the language barrier, which only served to exacerbate the tension between them. Despite his efforts to justify the paint, she remained unconvinced and increasingly frustrated. The atmosphere between them grew tense, with both parties feeling misunderstood and unable to bridge the gap in communication.

After a brief period of tension, Samaya took a deep breath, sighed, and gestured towards the unfinished walls of their home, indicating that they should return to their task. The anger that had flared up within her seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of resignation. She realized that dwelling on the misunderstanding wouldn't help, especially when they faced communication challenges. With a calming demeanor, she signaled to Hyo, indicating that they should return to the ongoing construction of the house. As they walked back, the unfinished walls and the absence of a chimney hinted at the work they still needed to overcome. After they finished building the house, they entered and sat down. The interior of the small abode held a rustic charm, with walls crafted of handmade bricks and the scent of fresh wood lingering in the air. Samaya, satisfied with their collaborative effort, gestured towards the center of the room, signaling the need of a break. As the flames flickered in the cozy interior, the aroma of a simple meal wafted through the air. They sat together, enjoying the warmth and sharing a home cooked meal.

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