Chapter 21 I Can't Get Enough Of You

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As a tiny spider tiptoed over her eyelashes, Samaya gently brushed it away, slowly stirring from her sleep. The soft morning sunlight filtered through the window, casting a warm glow across her face. However, her peaceful morning was abruptly interrupted by the sound of lively symphony of rustling leaves and chirping birds outside. Curious, she blinked open her eyes, her gaze drawn to the source of the commotion. To her surprise, a family of squirrels was frolicking in the branches just outside her window, their playful antics echoing through the crisp morning air. The sight of their nimble movements and cheerful chattering brought a smile to Samaya's lips as she watched them darting from tree to tree, seemingly without a care in the world. Stretching out her limbs, Samaya found herself enveloped in Hyo's embrace, the warmth of his presence adding to the comfort of the morning.

Overwhelmed by a whirlwind of emotions, Samaya's gaze drifted to Hyo's peaceful slumber. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest captivated her, a silent lullaby that echoed through the room. As she observed him, a soft smile graced her lips, highlighting the tenderness of the moment, drifting her eyes down to find him completely nude, Samaya's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and fondness. It was evident that after tending to her needs, Hyo had drifted off to sleep beside her.

Taking a mental snapshot of the intimate scene, she felt a rush of warmth flood her senses, memories of their shared experiences from the previous night flooding back to her. With delicate care, Samaya extricated herself from Hyo's embrace, mindful not to disturb his peaceful slumber. As her fingers brushed against the fabric of her clothes, Samaya felt a sudden presence looming behind her. She glanced over her shoulder to see Hyo, his gaze fixed on her with a playful gleam dancing in his eyes. “Good morning my dear, did you have a sweet nighttime? Thanks to you, I enjoyed mine greatly,” Hyo greeted her with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Samaya's cheeks flushed crimson as she comprehended his words thanks to the ability bestowed upon her by her new leopard tattoo.

Hyo's voice resonated with a deep, sultry timbre, sending shivers down Samaya's spine. Each word he uttered added to the captivating atmosphere, drawing her deeper into their shared moment. Despite the new day unfolding around them, the lingering desires of the night remained palpable in the air. Drawing her back into his embrace, Hyo's playful smirk hinted at his insatiable appetite for their shared pleasure. “I thought we were done for the night,” Samaya protested, her voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and excitement. “Not yet,” Hyo replied, his gaze smoldering with desire. He was unwilling to let the night end so soon, craving more of the intoxicating sensation they shared.

Sleeping beside her for several more days, he ensured to feed her well enough so she wouldn't lose weight and could endure the tossing and turning of their shared moments. As a supreme beastmen, his strength and endurance seemed endless, a fact that Samaya couldn't help but grumble about to herself. “Is he trying to wear me out completely? I can't even feel my feet anymore!” With pleading eyes, she conveyed her discomfort to him. Sensing her distress, he gently caressed her hair before rising to help her dress.

Transforming into his beastly form, he laid down, knowing Samaya found his animalistic appearance appealing. Glancing at her from the corner of his eye, Samaya felt a magnetic pull drawing her closer. Slowly, she crawled towards him, unable to resist the allure of his fluffy fur. As Samaya approached, her fingers delicately traced patterns through his soft fur. Hyo, reveling in her gentle touch, flipped onto his back, exposing his furry belly. His eyes gleamed invitingly, and Samaya, sensing the invitation, extended her gentle strokes to his vulnerable underside. A sense of joy filled the air as she continued to stroke his fur, his tail swaying behind her with untamed enthusiasm.

Captivated by the rhythmic dance of Hyo's tail, Samaya couldn't resist the urge to join in the playful spectacle. With a gleam in her eyes, she turned around and reached out to grab the swaying appendage. However, as her fingers closed around it, her touch sent an unexpected electric jolt through Hyo's body, startling him into a sudden leap into the air with surprising agility. His majestic yet amusing display of his legs stretching out in the air, left her laughter echoing in the air. Hyo's expression flickered with a mix of surprise and slight apprehension as he glanced towards Samaya, trying to free his tail from her grasp. Despite his efforts, their playful struggle persisted, and her hold only tightened with each attempt. Unaware of the sensitivity of his tail, Samaya's actions proved unwise as she aroused him even more.

Realizing his discomfort, she swiftly released him, prompting him to pounce at her, knocking her onto the soft animal skin. As he hovered over her, a moment of intensity passed between them. Sensing her discomfort and realizing she might not be ready for more, his rapid breathing gradually slowed. After sharing a lingering gaze he stepped back, distanced himself and settled down with his back turned towards her. Samaya realized she might have overstepped, and cautiously inched closer towards Hyo's side, bridging the gap between them. Despite Hyo remained turned away, his posture unyielding, Samaya sensed his need for space and offered a heartfelt apology. Though he wanted to teach her a lesson, Hyo secretly relished the attention.

Exhaling softly, Hyo extended a paw towards her, silently inviting her back. Her eyes sparkled with delight as she reached out to play with his soft, velvety paws. As she gently traced the contours of his paw pads, a sense of warmth enveloped them, bridging the gap that had momentarily separated them. Feeling a surge of affection, Hyo leaned closer, his fur brushing against Samaya's arm. The gesture was subtle yet meaningful, conveying a sense of forgiveness and understanding. Samaya's heart swelled with gratitude as she nestled closer to him, basking in the comforting presence of her companion.

As the days passed, the temperature gradually rose, coaxing the snow to melt away. A symphony of nature emerged, with cheerful melodies of birds singing in the awakening forest.

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