Chapter 12 Lover's Quarrel

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As Samaya and Leviathan strolled through the vibrant city streets adorned with food stalls, her eyes sparkled at the sight of rice and wheat. Eagerly, she conveyed her desire to purchase these staples to Leviathan. The food seller, puzzled by her request for wheat and rice, cast a questioning look her way. Wheat had a medicinal taste for beastmen, and rice was considered a luxury. Unable to verbally communicate, Samaya sought guidance from Leviathan, who, interpreting the confusion, engaged with the food seller and traded goods with a crystal-like object.

Samaya pointed at the crystal, inquiring about its origin from Leviathan. He explained that crystals could be obtained through mining or by hunting special animals, extracting the crystals from their bodies. Various colors of crystals existed, each with distinct properties. The most coveted were the red crystals, renowned for extending one's lifespan, followed by the blue crystals enhancing strength, and the yellow and colorless crystals known for their healing properties. Leviathan also mentioned the mysterious black crystals found in the territory of dragons, but their nature remained largely unknown, as no one who ventured there had returned alive.

Considering the high cost of rice, Samaya decided to use the crystals judiciously. She took a colorless crystal from Leviathan and played with it as they walked.

Leviathan suggested with a smile, "Let's take our time looking around; you wanted to come out." However, Leviathan had a solemn purpose behind his visit to the city. As the cold season approached, he needed to hibernate, leaving Samaya alone. Concerned for her well-being, he sought a second male companion for her, fearing potential dangers in his absence. "Nothing is more important than his little female's well-being!" he thought. However, before revealing his plans, he aimed to lift her spirits.

Roaming through the streets, they purchased high-quality goods for Samaya. Admiring the sparkling gifts, Samaya said shyly, "This seems a bit much for me; you've spent so many crystals already." "Don't you like them?" Leviathan asked, while picking out some more animal skins. "No! They are beautiful, but you shouldn't waste so much money on me." Leviathan, paying for the items, turned to her and said, "You're my female; I can easily afford anything you desire, so lift your chin with confidence." Touched by his words, Samaya nodded.

At noon, Leviathan embraced Samaya and shared his plan to find a second male, causing her brows to furrow. "I have you; don't you like me anymore? Is that the reason you want me to look for a second male?" Samaya shouted at him as tears started flowing down her cheeks. Realizing the depth of her emotions, Leviathan felt a twinge of guilt and regret. He reassured her quickly, "No, Samaya, it's not about not liking you. I care deeply for you. It's just that during the hibernation season, I can't be there for you, and I want to ensure you have someone to support and protect you in my absence." Trying to wipe away her tears, Samaya looked at him angrily. Leviathan, understanding her confusion, waited for her response, hoping she would agree.

She shouted, "I can look after myself just fine; I don't need a second spouse, and I don't have a kink about polygamy!" Seeing her strong protest, Leviathan felt a mix of anger and happiness. He didn't want to risk her life because of his selfishness, but the thought of someone else taking care of her during his hibernation season didn't sit well with him. With a scoffing expression, she said, "Fine, I'll get a second male, but he has to be as strong as you and as handsome!" Leviathan, aware of the rarity of finding such a beastman, couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration. Many strong beastmen feared him because of his strength, making finding an equal a challenging task. Nevertheless, he nodded. Samaya suggested, "Why don't we just pay someone for the task? That way, we both get what we want." Leviathan, considering the practicality of her proposal, nodded in agreement. They began discussing the criteria for the second male: at least three stripes and an interest in acquiring crystals.

Leviathan, sensing an unseen presence eavesdropping on their conversation, abruptly turned his head away. Instinctively, he gathered Samaya into his arms and silently moved away from the area, leaving behind the unseen observer. In the darkness, two gleaming golden eyes followed their every step until they disappeared into the shadows. As they ventured further into the city, Leviathan remained vigilant, a sense of unease lingering.

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