Chapter 11 King's Castle

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The Castle of the Beastmen stood as a majestic marvel on the edge of the city, captivating the eyes with its intricate design and grandeur. Towering turrets reached for the sky, adorned with elaborate carvings. The castle walls, crafted from a harmonious blend of natural stones and enchanted vines, seemed to breathe life into the fortress. Approaching the castle, the massive gates swung open, revealing a courtyard adorned with vibrant flowers and sculptures showcasing the diverse forms of beastmen. The air carried the enchanting scent of exotic blossoms, creating a surreal atmosphere of beauty and tranquility.

As the unique group arrived inside the castle, the eagles took the lead, guiding Samaya and Leviathan through the grand stone corridors and halls. Within the castle's corridors, tapestries adorned the walls, telling tales of heroic deeds and ancient rituals. Each step echoed through halls embellished with symbols representing the various animal races, emphasizing the unity of the beastmen society. The towering stone walls and intricate architecture of the castle left Samaya in awe, her eyes darting around to take in the majestic surroundings. Leviathan, by her side, maintained a vigilant stance, ensuring her safety.

Following the eagles, they reached the throne room, where the king, the man with short yellow hair and four vivid yellow thunder facial markings, awaited. The throne room, a breathtaking masterpiece, featured a majestic throne crafted from the finest materials and surrounded by precious gems. Intricately woven carpets depicted mythical creatures, and the walls were adorned with paintings illustrating the harmony between the beastmen and their natural surroundings.
Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colors on the polished floors.

The eagles gracefully landed and transformed back into their human forms before addressing the king. “My King,” Riven spoke, bowing slightly, “we have found this female near the lake. She seems to be from outside the city.” The King, with a thoughtful expression, observed Samaya and Leviathan. “The female is indeed pretty cute; it's a shame I already have a spouse. But seeing that she only has one spouse, there's a high possibility that she picks some more inside my territory. That could benefit me as well,” he thought, contemplating the potential advantages of Samaya choosing mates within his domain.

Samaya, still unable to understand the conversation, felt a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. Leviathan, beside her, remained a strong and reassuring presence.
The king, addressing Samaya through gestures, attempted to communicate. “You,” he pointed at her, then made a questioning expression. Samaya, uncertain about his intentions, looked at Leviathan, seeking guidance. Leviathan, understanding the king's inquiry, coldly glanced at him and gestured toward Samaya's chest, showcasing the snake tattoo near her heart. “The name of my spouse is Samaya and we're just passing through the city,” he said, introducing her to the king. Just the most favored mate gets his tattoo near the heart of the female. The King, acknowledging the introduction and placement of the tattoo with a nod, wasn't happy about hearing the last sentence.

With the intention of retaining her presence within the castle, the king made a sweeping gesture encompassing both Samaya and Leviathan, directing their attention to an empty expanse in the regal throne room. This seemed more than a mere invitation to stay; he wanted to summon some of his most formidable subordinates to ensure his unfolding scheme. Samaya, feeling a mix of emotions, looked at Leviathan for reassurance. Leviathan, sensing her uncertainty, gently squeezed her hand, conveying an unspoken promise of support. The king, observing the connection between the two, couldn't help but harbor a twinge of envy.

After exiting the throne room, Samaya and Leviathan left an impression that lingered in the king's thoughts. In a clandestine move, the king summoned a subordinate, whose pair of golden eyes seemed to keenly observe Samaya's departure from a distance.
The mysterious male jumped down and walked towards the king. “Follow them and bide your time in the shadows for an opportune moment,” instructed the king. The male bowed in acknowledgement, turned around, and exited the scene. The king sighed as he watched the male depart; the energy emanating by this mysterious male far surpassed his own.

Leviathan, upon leaving the castle with Samaya, addressed the eagles with a firm stance, “I apologize, but my female is tired and scared, so we cannot accept your invitation.” His protective demeanor underscored his unwavering commitment to prioritize Samaya's well-being over the order from the king. Understanding Leviathan's decision, Riven responded, “We respect your decision, and I will convey this to the king. If you ever need assistance or have questions, feel free to return to the city. We'll be here to help.” Leviathan glanced at Riven and nodded in acknowledgment. With that, Samaya and Leviathan ventured away from the castle.

Observing Samaya's departure, the eagle expressed a hint of sadness. Samaya's allure had captivated him, and even the king had been fascinated by her radiance. However, recognizing the formidable strength of her mate, the eagles acknowledged the futility of pursuing her at this time. In a moment of shared regret, the eagles exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the rarity of the situation. With an unspoken understanding, they returned to the castle, carrying with them the lingering beauty of Samaya's presence in their thoughts. In the future, they hoped for an opportunity to safeguard her life and potentially become her mate.

Samaya wondered about the distinctive facial markings on the beastmen as she and Leviathan walked through the bustling city. Leviathan explained that these burn markings usually appear with time on the center of their forehead, cheeks, or chest as they get stronger. The overload of energy will eventually burn the skin as they level up their strength, but there are rare cases, where it heals when they surpass a certain level.
Each beastman race exhibited unique markings, and the number of these markings indicated a beastman's strength, with each marking representing a certain level of power. Observing the diverse patterns on the faces of passing beastmen, Samaya noted that most had one marking, a few sported two, and even fewer displayed three. Yet, beyond the markings, she couldn't help but wonder about the undeniable attractiveness of all the beastmen she encountered. Glancing around once more, she noticed a lack of females in the streets.

Overhearing some males whisper, “Look, it's a dainty female. Aren't they extremely rare and hardly ever seen? This is my first time witnessing such an incredibly beautiful female!” Leviathan, detecting the inappropriate comments, turned around, emanating a powerful force that sent the offenders fleeing for their lives. With a scoff, he turned back and dismissed them as "weaklings."

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