𝟏𝟏 | 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦

120 5 28

song: djo - end of beggining


As I stand by the window, gazing out at the starry night sky, a mix of unpleasant emotions swirls within me, refusing to be contained. The events of the engagement party replay in my mind like a broken record, each moment etched vividly in my memory. The unexpected kiss from Dante, so brief yet lingering in its impact, leaves me grappling with irritation and discomfort. But beneath it all, there's a gnawing sense of betrayal, a feeling I can't quite shake.

My mind wanders off to the day we wrote down our own conditions in Manhattan. I strictly told him I was okay with cheek kisses in front of our families - not longing lip kisses in front of a hundred strangers. I knew I had to keep up the act or my father would have acted against me, but I can't help but feel something bitter inside me.

Kisses are meant to happen between people that like and desire each other, even if only for one night, not between people like me and Dante.

A week has slipped by since that horrid evening, yet the memory of that kiss still haunts me, refusing to fade into the background. It's like a stubborn thorn lodged deep within my mind, pricking at my thoughts when I least expect it. Every time our paths cross in the confines of his home, a heavy silence hangs between us, suffocating in its intensity. And with each passing day, I find myself growing more frustrated with myself for allowing that kiss to occupy my thoughts and for letting Dante infiltrate my mind in ways I never anticipated.

As the night stretches on, I finally give in to the weight of exhaustion. With a heavy sigh, I retreat to my bed, hoping that sleep will offer some respite from the turmoil within.

Morning filters in through the curtains, accompanied by the quiet ringing of my phone. Irritation prickles at the edges of my consciousness, until I glance at the caller ID and see Nora's name flashing on the screen. A warm wave of relief washes over me, dispelling the remnants of annoyance as I go to answer the phone.

Two years ago, amidst the neon glow of a bustling club in uptown Miami, our paths crossed in the women's bathroom. She was there on a birthday trip, meanwhile I was drinking away Luna's sorrow when she broke up with her boyfriend at the time.

As the night wore on and the drinks flowed freely, I found myself slipping into the haze of intoxication, the lines between reality and euphoria blurring with each passing moment. It wasn't long before the alcohol had its way with me, leaving me stumbling into the bathroom, disoriented and barely able to stand.

It was there, that Nora found me drunk and vulnerable, clinging to the sink for support. With a kindness that seemed almost too good for a stranger, she helped me to my feet, made me take a few deep breaths and offered me some water. Immediately after I sobered up, I found myself drawn to her warm smile and kind eyes. Since then, we've mostly kept contact online as she's from Los Angeles, which is on the other end of the States. A few times over the years we visited each other, and we've been inseparable since.

I greet her over the phone, my voice laced with genuine warmth and anticipation.

"Hey, Gi! Oh gosh, I hope I didn't wake you," Nora's cheery voice bursts through the line, full of the same boundless energy that always seems to accompany her. She's concerned about waking me up at nine, when it's barely six in the morning at her place.

I chuckle softly, "I'm all good. What's up?" I ask, sitting up in bed and rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

For the next few minutes, we engage in the easy banter of old friends, catching up on the latest happenings in our lives. But then, there's a noticeable shift in Nora's tone, a nervous edge creeping into her words.

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