𝟏𝟐 | 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬

131 5 20

song: lose control - teddy swims


I lean back in my chair, feeling the weight of frustration and confusion pressing against my temples. My head pounds with the lingering effects of an inexplicable reaction at the bar two days ago. Why did I get defensive when that man simply thanked Gianna? It was such a minor exchange, yet it ignited an unfamiliar surge of possessiveness within me. I even banned him from Lux later that night. Perhaps it's the instinct to shield her from every casual compliment, to protect what is supposedly mine.

Now my thoughts shift to her and the sudden announcement about the trip to Spain. I run a hand through my hair, grappling with the realization that she hadn't informed me earlier. Doesn't she understand the importance of keeping me in the loop? If she's leaving the country, I should be aware. It's not solely about our engagement; it's about ensuring her safety, even if our interactions are strained. Marco Bianchi has a ton of men out there, just lurking around, waiting to attack me or my properties.

With a heavy sigh, I push myself away from my desk and pace the office. I know I need to address this with Gianna, to understand her motives. Yet a part of me hesitates, uncertain of how she will respond. Our dynamic is slowly becoming as unpredictable as navigating a minefield.

Finally, I resolve to seek her out. As I stand outside her bedroom door, the air feels heavy. I don't want her to lash out or start an argument; not when it's simply a matter of safety. This conversation is simply inevitable.

My hand makes its way out of the pocket of my slacks and knocks on her door. Although I don't expect her to let me in, I wait – impatiently. There's a brief pause before the door opens slowly, revealing Gianna standing before me.

Her expression is guarded, a subtle hint of wariness, but nonetheless, I meet her gaze with a resolute stare.

"We need to talk," I begin, my tone serious. "About your trip to Spain."

I watch her eyes narrow slightly, a flicker of annoyance crossing her features. "I don't recall needing your permission for my personal plans," she retorts, her voice laced with the implication of a challenge.

"It's not about permission," I reply, trying to keep my tone even despite the surge of frustration. "It's about communication, especially when it concerns your safety."

She scoffs lightly, folding her arms across her chest. "My safety? Wasn't the situation with that stupid man taken care of weeks ago?"

The question catches me off guard. "Yes, that was resolved," I confirm. "But there's more snarky bastards in my line of business who wish me ill."

Her shoulders fall as she lets out a bored sigh. "I get it," she murmurs. "I should've told you sooner."

I nod and thank her for understanding. I think this is the first time we have found common ground ever since I got myself into this tangled situation.

"Is that it?" She rests her elbow on the door frame, and I lift an eyebrow.

"Am I bothering?" I ask, crossing my arms.

Her expression softens ever so slightly, and she shakes her head. "No, you're not bothering me," she replies. "But I need to get ready because I made plans with a friend."

I nod and plaster on a neutral expression. I know which friend – Luna, her long-time best friend. I've discreetly run a background check on her a while ago. "That's fine," I say, my tone casual. "But my mother is coming over later. She wants to see you."

Gianna's eyes widen slightly, and she nods. "I will be back before dinner," she agrees, already heading back towards her vanity.

Walking back to my office, I dial Dean's number because he's been calling me all morning. After a few rings, he picks up. "Dean," I begin. "What do you have for me?"

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