Chapter One: How I Met The Doctor

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     "Run!" Katherine screamed as the Slitheen chased after us. She grabbed my hand. I turned, taking the vinegar solution and splashing it on the monster. It let out a sickening shriek as it exploded, covering us both in green goo. I put my hands on my knees, breathing heavily.

     "Oh, I'm getting too old for this job." I told her.

     "Tell me about it." I had met Katherine a while back. I had been investigating a suspected Alien invasion in London, and, apparently, so was she. We'd been together ever since. She'd told me stories of Gallifray, and her days in the TARDIS, with the Doctor. 

     "I'm sorry the Doctor wasn't here." I told her. She shrugged.

     "I didn't expect he would be. Most of the time, He runs into these things by accident. I doubt he even remembers me anyway."

     "It'd be kind of difficult to remember the girl you grew up with, fell in love with, traveled the universe with, do you get my point? Katherine, he's not going to forget about you that easily." I assured her.

     "It's been twenty years, Diane! Who knows if he's even still alive!" I rolled my eyes at her.

     "I'm sure he's just fine." I heard a high pitched wine coming from the Vortex manipulator on my wrist. "Katherine..." Suddenly, I was somewhere else. I was surrounded by people, thousands upon thousands of people. "Katherine?" I pushed through, looking for her. "KATHERINE!"

~~~Three Weeks later~~~

I knew him the moment I saw him.  I don't know what gave it away. Maybe it was like Katherine had always told'd just know he was different. Or maybe it was the barely visible outline of a sonic screwdriver in his pocket...or the conversation I overheard.

     "My watch must be wrong. No it's fine. That's weird."

     "That's what comes of showing off. Your history's not as good as you thought it was."

     "My history's perfect."

    "Well, obviously not." The blonde girl told him.

     "If they're all human, what about the millions of planets, the millions of species, where are they?"I couldn't stay away from them. I then proceeded to watch as the Doctor soniced a cash point. The girl and the boy left, leaving the man alone.

     "The Doctor I presume?" I said. He looked at me, confused.

     "Yes...How did you..."

     "Let's just say, I traveled a bit with a friend of yours. A rather good friend...Katherine Greene." His eyes widened. 

      "Katherine?" I nodded. "Where is she?" 

     "I don't know. We were taking care of a slitheen problem, and my Vortex manipulator glitched. I was transported here, and then it broke, so she's stuck on earth, modern day, and I'm stuck in the year 200,000 on a space station." 

     "How is she?" He asked, seemingly still in shock. 

     "Still pretty hung up on you. Talks about you all of the time." He nodded.


     So, that's how I met the Doctor and Rose Tyler. But there is still one person, one very important person, which I have yet to talk about. Captain Jack Harkness. I met him during the London Blitz, when he saved Rose and I's lives. We were hanging from a barrage balloon...

     The two of us were plummeting to our deaths, when we were caught in a tractor beam.

     "Ok, ok, I've got you."

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