Chapter Seventeen: Fear and Hatred

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I laid in bed awake, thinking about Diane. I couldn't sleep knowing that she was just next door and wouldn't talk to me. Well, that and the nightmare. I got up, getting dressed and walking up to the hub. I went to my office to see a rose petal on my desk, like the ones that were stuffed in the soldier's mouth in my dream. I heard footsteps and shoved it in my pocket, turning around. Ianto was there, Diane at his side in a tank-top and shorts. Even like that, with her hair a mess and no make-up on, she was beautiful.

"You shouldn't be here." I told him.

"Neither should you." Diane didn't say anything...didn't even look at me. I walked up behind Ianto, putting a hand on his back.

"What do you got?"

"Funny sort of weather patterns." I looked over at Diane, who was running a rose petal through her fingers.

"You got one too?" I asked, so only she could hear. She glance at me, nodding curtly before looking back at the screen. "You can't ignore me forever."

"Try me."

"What happened to being co-workers." She turned towards me.

"I changed my mind. Thought about what else you did."

"What now?!" I asked.

"You don't want my opinion." I suddenly remembered.


"Yeah..." She said condescendingly.

"Well...I'm going to go, if you want to come with me."

"We're bringing Gwen."


"I'm not particularly a fan of being alone with you." She said. "I'll call her in the morning, we'll head out." She turned, walking back to her room, and I sighed.


"What exactly are we doing here?" Gwen asked as we arrived the next day.

"I had an invitation from an old friend. Here we go."

"Fairies, are you kidding me?"

"Afraid not." Diane told her. We walked in in the middle of the seminar, waving at Estelle as we entered.

"...and it's been no easy task." I led Gwen in,  sitting with one seat on the end so Diane would sit beside me. She shot me a look, squeezing past me and sitting beside Gwen, who looked awkward. "One needs to have the patience of a saint and the blind faith of a prophet. But, for me, the long wait has been worthwhile." She changed the slide, showing some fairies in the forest. "This is my first picture. Not that clear, I know, but the ring of stones can be seen quite distinctly."

"I don't believe this." Gwen said.

"Shh." We said together. I smiled at Diane, who just looked forward.

"This is ridiculous." I whispered.

"Bite me."

"Well, of course I'm not the best photographer, but this little person is just about visible. I was so lucky to have seen them, so privileged to witness such a magical moment. Because, fairies are shy, you see." Gwen laughed. "But I know in my heart that they're friendly, loving creatures."

"Keep in mind, you didn't believe in aliens before this." Diane muttered.

"Well yeah, but Fairies? Really?"

"Thank you." The room cleared out.

"Wrong. She always gets it wrong." Diane stood up, squeezing past us. She tripped over my foot, falling into my lap. "Glad I could catch you." She flashed me a fake smile.

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